
  • You must log in and access your vendor at least every 15 days.
  • Your vendor must have at least one item for sale on your vendor at all times.
  • You must retrieve an item that was not sold and expired into your stock room within 30 days of its expiration.
  • Items or vendors destroyed because of time expiration as outlined in this policy will not be refunded or restored by Community Support for any reason.

Unaccessed Vendors:

You must log in and access your vendor. The only events that constitute "access" are placing a new item for sale on the vendor, or a customer buying an item from the vendor.
  • If you do not log in and access your vendor for 15 days, its status will change to unaccessed.
  • If, after being changed to unaccessed status, you do not access the vendor for another 15 days, its status will be changed to endangered.
  • A vendor that is endangered will be removed and permanently destroyed if it stays endangered for 30 days and remedial action to correct its status (accessing the vendor) is not taken.
  • Total time from normal status to destroyed for not accessing a vendor: 60 days.
  • Vendor maintenance does not affect unaccessed status and the vendor will be destroyed, and all items and credits in the maintenance pool will be permanently lost, regardless of its maintenance status, if the vendor remains unaccessed then endangered for a total of 60 days.

Empty Vendors:

Your vendor must always have at least one item listed for public sale.
  • If your vendor is empty for more than 30 days, its status will change to empty.
  • If your vendor has an empty status for more than 30 days, its status will change to endangered.
  • A vendor that is endangered will be removed and permanently destroyed if it stays endangered for 30 days and remedial action to correct its status (listing an item for sale on the vendor) is not taken.
  • Total time from normal status to destroyed for a vendor being empty: 90 days.
  • Vendor maintenance does not affect empty status and the vendor will be destroyed, and all items and credits in the maintenance pool will be permanently lost, regardless of its maintenance status, if the vendor remains empty then endangered for a total of 90 days.

Items Sold on Vendors:

An item sold on your vendor must be retrieved or relisted within 30 days of its listing expiring.
  • Items are listed for sale for a maximum of 30 days. If the item does not sell, it is returned to your vendor stockroom.
  • An item is stored in your vendor stockroom for a maximum of 30 days. If you do not retrieve the item from the stockroom or relist the item for sale again within 30 days, the item will be destroyed.
  • Total time from item listed for sale to destroyed for expiration: 60 days.
  • Vendor maintenance does not impact item listings.

If a vendor is destroyed because it was inaccessed or empty for 60 or 90 days, respectively, or if an item is destroyed because it was not removed from the stockroom after 30 days, the vendor and/or item will not be restored or refunded by Community Support for any reason.

Note: When the status of your vendor changes, you should receive an in-game mail message indicating the change in status. Nevertheless, players assume responsibility for checking their vendors regularly, and not receiving a mail message is not an acceptable justification for circumventing the standards of this policy.
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