Add a 3rd & 4th hotkey bar into the UI

Add a 3rd & 4th hotkey bar into the UI
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Add a 3rd and 4th additional hotkey bar that can be dragged anywhere on the screen, and hotkeys bound to those new slots. I am not proposing a major UI change here, I know some players like the nostalgia of the older looking UI and that's fine. I am just simply proposing that the option for a 3rd and 4th hotkey bar be added into the current UI.
QoL improvement for all players. Having at least 3 or 4 hotkey bars is almost seen as a base essential requirement for MMORPG UI's. New players just coming to Restoration expect it, and old players all want it.
Currently it is very cumbersome and annoying to have to scroll through hotkey bar pages in order to use all the abilities and items that players need to use. Every MMORPG has learned that it is a more enjoyable player experience to have more customization in their UI and allow multiple extra hotkey bars.

Add a 3rd & 4th hotkey bar into the Restoration SWG UI

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