Add a Rank 6 City options with additional City Specialization

Add a Rank 6 City options with additional City Specialization
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Currently City levels cap out at Rank 5 once the minimum citizen count of 40 is met. I propose creating a Rank 6 City level. The citizen count to reach rank 6 could be doubled if not tripled the current citizens requirements of a rank 5 city.

The benefits of being a rank 6 city would include having an additional City Specialization. However limit the secondary City Specializations to 5 or the 9 specializations that are not used on the server today by any city and perhaps add addition 50m radius to the city.
City Specializations can be one of the main factors for people when they pick a city to join. Currently there are 48 player cities that are ranked high enough to have a City Specialization. There are a total of 9 City Specializations with only 4 of them being used throughout the Server.
  • 34 Cities use Research Center specialization
  • 9 Cities use Improved Job Market specialization
  • 3 Cities use DNA Laboratory specialization
  • 2 Cities use Manufacturing Center specialization
This limits the benefits a city can provide, and narrows down options of what type of city a player can join.

One workaround some larger groups/guilds use is to create two cities, and splitting their population between those cities to maximize different city specializations based on those residences preferences, however this also splits the community to some degree.

For other rank 5 cities with high citizen count rotating city specializations can also be offered to meet the demands of many different citizens from different professions. However this require some citizens to be patient for city specialization they use.

Ultimately even with the workarounds 5 of the 9 city specializations just are not used today.
My motivation is to strengthen the benefits high population cities can give to its citizens, and accommodate citizens with other professions that could benefit from the least used City Specializations.
The purpose of this thread is summarized in the proposal, justification, and motivation section.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
We have been kicking around ideas for secondary specialization for some time to help boost the ones that aren't currently being used, so in that respect you have a good idea here. However, I would rather support something that doesn't limit this to just the largest cities, but allows any city that can have a specialization to benefit (and help more players). Also, changing the system to add new ranks to a city is a much bigger update and a harder sell. Something that is smaller in scope may be likely to get approved and then implemented.
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The idea of having 2 specializations in a city really appeals to me honestly.
I don't know about adding extra city ranks, purely because as said above, it is probably making the job of implementation bigger than it really needs to be.
Perhaps just adding the second specialization in at one of the existing ranks would make more sense?
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So your proposal is: pick one of top 4 specializations and one of 5-9?
I agree a rank 6 proposal is probably a deal breaker. Expanding current city size would be very problematic.
What would your requirement for rank 6 be exactly? You mention doubling. If 80 citizens is your requirement, there is only one city on Resto that could quality.
I have been focused on storyteller ideas right now since that was the first priority I stated when I ran for Senate. However, some of the ideas I (and others) have been kicking around for dual specialization include a primary and secondary one. The primary would be chosen from the most valuable/desired ones like Research Center of Improved Job Market. The secondary would come from the group that is not as valuable (mechanics wise) that would never get taken over the big ones. This is just a preliminary idea, however. This is a great subject and I think more discussion on how proceed would be beneficial to finding the best choice.
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I am not opposed to dual specialization with lower requirements and fully support a primary and secondary city specialization within the parameters mentioned above.

As for the rank six city my thoughts behind this was to give that one last endgame push for cities that are capped at rank 5 and give them one last goal to aim for before using up their city limits real-estate’s. But if this would make the proposal nullified I’d also support removing that as a requirement.
Thanks for your suggestion! We’ve got lots of changes planned for city specializations, including an existing plan for allowing two specializations. We aren’t quite ready to share more details, but they will be a part of the major guild/city features update that’s on our roadmap.
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