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- Proposal
Give bonuses to both doc and entertainer buffs to NPC cities.
- Justification
Spread the buff love around the galaxy
- Motivation
I think we've all gotten enough sand in our hoohahs and uhohs for a while. Let's get out into the wider galaxy and enjoy other cities.
Currently Eisley is the agreed upon center of the galaxy. That's fine but there's so many cool NPC cities in the galaxy that currently have no reason to exist other than the occasional quest turn in. Let's give people a reason to see those cities by giving a random NPC city buff enhancements, either in potency or duration when applied in the selected city.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Albiet I don't disagree with spreading the love. irc read on another PV that ME is the new starter hub and with current population this is unlikely to change.
That's fine, starter quests don't require doc or ent buffs. Besides, I'm sure there will always be a doc/ent in Eisley
Thanks for your suggestion but we intend to keep Eisley as the center of the galaxy for design and population reasons.
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