Add insurance terminals to battlefields

Add insurance terminals to battlefields
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Add an insurance terminal in the bases of either side in all the different battlefield maps where people revive.
Battlefields are an extremely fun part of the game and a major reason people are not using them is not because the rewards are not in the game, but because there are no insurance terminals. This would not only allow for people to PvP in battlefields without the significant loss of armor durability, but it would also serve as a credit sink to remove credits from the inflated economy.
Many people would love to organize battlefield nights for group pvp and factional fights. But unfortunately nobody wants to risk their armor. I personally would love to organize such pvp events in battlefields and adding insurance terminals would be a perfect way to enable that while also being a good outlet for us to dump our credits back into the game with.
I appreciate all feedback and criticism.
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