Add Pazaak?

Add Pazaak?
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Add pazaak to cantinas and host tournaments.
In game socialization often lacks, pazaak could really help with interaction and tournaments would be pretty cool events.
Bring people together.
Would be pretty sweet to be able to play pazaak. It would be a huge social part of the game and could get cantinas teeming with activity. Not to mention having something to waste all your credits on.

Getting caught with counterfeit cards by police/troopers results in fine? Would make travel more tense.
Pazaak was basically simplified space blackjack, were there any sources that laid out the rules for sabaac? I'd be down for card game tourneys, maybe on a cantina circuit, that's be pretty cool.
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Pazaak was basically simplified space blackjack, were there any sources that laid out the rules for sabaac? I'd be down for card game tourneys, maybe on a cantina circuit, that's be pretty cool.
Rules right here.

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Pazaak rules I remember, I've played countless hours of Kotor I & II.

Sabaac is another SW card game referenced in various media, but I was just curious if any sources had ever detailed the full rules. From what I remember, I want to say in a book, it was kinda like space poker played with space tarot cards or something, I think the story I remember it from also referenced that the cards could change mid-game somehow, but the players could put them into some sort of stasis field in the middle of the table that would lock them in?