Adjust entertainer buff times to the highest member of the group

Adjust entertainer buff times to the highest member of the group
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Adjust it so the buff timer is based on the highest skilled entertainer in the entertainers' group.
This better allows grouping to help lower level entertainers level up.
Right now if a lower level dancer for example or even a novice entertainer joins my group as a master musician. If I'm playing music and their dancing, people come in to listen to me for a maximum buff, but if they also watch the dancer to help them level, their buffs get capped at 4hrs 45 minutes instead of that additional time. So it's impossible for them to get a full duration buff, which pushes people away from getting buffs from me because they want that full duration, which pushes people away from watching leveling entertainers.

Making this adjustment will make it more helpful to allow master dancers/musicians to mentor leveling entertainers.
I don't know if this is possible in the server or not, but was looking for it to check that if you are grouped with a master musician/dancer etc and your a leveling entertainer that when someone is watching you, their timer goes to the maximum of the highest in the group as opposed to the lowest where you are at.
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I'm not sure if this is possible, but I would support it because it encourages more social interaction. Also, I would recommend that you separate these two ideas into two different Player Voices to better follow the guideline of one idea at a time.
I like the first suggestion, as that is usually the reason why I don’t watch / listen to lower level ents because they ham string my buff duration.

This would be a welcome change.

Like Rinna said though you need to separate both requests to 1 per PV for it to be considered.