Allow Ents to Multi-Class

Allow Ents to Multi-Class
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Galactic Senator
I would like tp propose that we allow Master Dancer OR Master Musician fully capable of giving a complete 20 point Inspiration buff.
One of the most common complaints is that you need to be both a Dancer and a Musician to give a full buff - not just point-wise - but stat-wise. This limits the player to what amounts to be 1 class - an entertainer class. By allowing Entertainers to give full buffs as either a Dancer or Musician, it'll be encouraging more people to make an Entertainer as they won't be locked to having to be both and a musician and a dancer to have real viability.
Restoration needs more Entertainers. To be an Entertainer requires the complete dedication of a character's skill points in order to be viable as a buffing class. This discourages people from creating Entertainers and more importantly from sticking with Entertainer.
The Entertainer drought on this server is real.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
My only input is that if this is something that is pursued - then Image Designer Skill Points should be changed back to the higher cost.
Okay - I lied - Question - What would the difference be between Musician and Dancer? Would they have the exact same benefits AND be able to perform 20pt buffs independently?
I'm voting no to both ideas.
Ent Buffs are very powerful on Resto. Forcing a char to go "all in" on the Ent profession to be an effective buffer is fine in my view. Combat and crafting have a similar focus if a char wants to be "max". I can not see why Ents should be able to go "outside their lane".
Changing the ID skill requirements would only result in the disappearance of ID from Resto. A very bad idea.
I'm voting no to both ideas.
Ent Buffs are very powerful on Resto. Forcing a char to go "all in" on the Ent profession to be an effective buffer is fine in my view. Combat and crafting have a similar focus if a char wants to be "max". I can not see why Ents should be able to go "outside their lane".
Changing the ID skill requirements would only result in the disappearance of ID from Resto. A very bad idea.

This is exactly why I procrastinated so long on making this PV.
I'll always be/have a Dancer/Musician/ID because it's just an aspect of the game that I personally enjoy.
In the end, I wanted a community discussion about this.
I think for the most part I agree with Savaac on this. The only real way you'd be able to accomplish this - is if you split up specific buffs for each profession so each could only give certain buffs, and you'd need both to do everything. At the end of the day, 95% of ents would probably still choose to be both so they could provide full services - so it's one of those 'is the juice worth the squeeze?' scenarios.
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I very nearly made my 3rd char into an Ent. the only reason I didn't is because Ents were readily available on Resto, and continue to be.
The day I go into ME cantina and cannot get a buff, is the day I respec my 3rd char to Ent.
I think for the most part I agree with Savaac on this. The only real way you'd be able to accomplish this - is if you split up specific buffs for each profession so each could only give certain buffs, and you'd need both to do everything. At the end of the day, 95% of ents would probably still choose to be both so they could provide full services - so it's one of those 'is the juice worth the squeeze?' scenarios.
How to split the buffs was really what perplexed me. And the question I couldn't get around so it just became the all-or-nothing to this idea.

The line you used... "is the juice worth the squeeze" is precisely how I felt writing it and tossing around the idea for the week.

That said, it's only been recently that we're seeing more Entertainers and more people come to the class.
you have 2 other characters to play if you're buffing on one, so I'm not really seeing the point in this? and I don't really think a 1/2 ent would be viable in anything? like, we're getting a group together to go to the BF and we have the choice of someone with only half a slate of abilities that are useful or someone who is fully templated for combat, who do we pick?
Back on live during the NGE they gave Entertainers some combat/melee abilities. It made for some color, but practically they weren't all that useful from a combat standpoint. When the novelty wore off, they didn't really get involved in combat again. I worry that we might end up with the same thing here.

That being said, I am all in favor of adding things to make Entertainer more appealing and fun to play.
you have 2 other characters to play if you're buffing on one, so I'm not really seeing the point in this? and I don't really think a 1/2 ent would be viable in anything? like, we're getting a group together to go to the BF and we have the choice of someone with only half a slate of abilities that are useful or someone who is fully templated for combat, who do we pick?

I think it would be more targeted to the benefit of crafter/artisan types who only really care for one crafting type, more than those who would divide their time in combat. Like, for instance, I enjoy Shipwright - but none of the other crafting classes appeal to me. I would make a master Shipwright / master Musician - but there isn't any point, because I would spend the majority of my time in the cantina telling people I can't buff them to the extent they are expecting.
I think it would be more targeted to the benefit of crafter/artisan types who only really care for one crafting type, more than those who would divide their time in combat. Like, for instance, I enjoy Shipwright - but none of the other crafting classes appeal to me. I would make a master Shipwright / master Musician - but there isn't any point, because I would spend the majority of my time in the cantina telling people I can't buff them to the extent they are expecting.
This is why I voted yes. When I was deciding my roster of characters on Resto, this was a major factor in my skill point decisions. If I could have Mdancer and a craft I absolutely would have loved that. As it stands, it's just limiting. Like said above, it wouldn't really be effective for combat so I don't see any issues with that.
you have 2 other characters to play if you're buffing on one, so I'm not really seeing the point in this? and I don't really think a 1/2 ent would be viable in anything? like, we're getting a group together to go to the BF and we have the choice of someone with only half a slate of abilities that are useful or someone who is fully templated for combat, who do we pick?
Most if not all the ents would disagree with you on this point.
There is no other profession in the game that REQUIRES you to have a second profession like musician/dancer does. Sure, their are crafting classes that are interdependent on other crafting classes, but you can buy those components or have someone make them for you.

You can't buy those extra inspire points. You either go full master musician/dancer or your buff is useless - there is no middle ground. Comparing it to combat classes is an "apples to oranges" situation. The only close comparison you are going to get their is a lot of professions utilizing 4xxx doc or CM. None of the other crafting professions require another to function, nor does any crafting profession absolutely need to have master merchant. Sure their are set builds for combat - but there is still a lot of flexibility, with some builds even being CL75/sub 80 builds and still working.

The most combat profession you would probably see someone do is x / master doc. Most ents usually end up "focusing" on either musician or dancer as their regular go to - I pref music on my bothan. Some people pref dancer. If i had the choice, i'd love to roll my ent to by master musician and either shipwright or BE. Ents arent looking (as far as I am aware, generlizing here) to be a hybrid ent/combat aside from MAYBE the master doc as previously mentioned.

Sure there is a regular group of ents in ME, but us regular also see a LOT of ents come and go and not stick with it - especially with the rigidity that being an ent requires.
I don't really have much of an opinion on this, but perhaps master entertainer should be a requirement for the 20pt buffs as well as 1 of either Dancer / Musician if we are going down this route. 20pt buffs should also be awarded to players who are still MDancer/MMuscian but not MEnt (just giving some options).

Master "basic" professions are criminally unnecessary for almost every stream, so it would at least make it useful in this case.
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