Allow non-combat professions to gain Levels

Allow non-combat professions to gain Levels
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Give non-combat professions levels so they can mix and match a little more.
Provide more character diversity and the ability(similar to Pre-CU) for crafters to obtain materials they need for their schematics, as well as make it so crafters can use what they make.
Realizing that some professions are unable to use the products they make. Also dying to random low level spawns that agro me...
I'll preface this with this wouldn't really affect me so much, but other crafting professions could greatly benefit. As a SW, I can get everything I need without a second character(And as a pilot I am also more aware of what pilots look for in their parts). However, AS , Chef, and BE need to have another character to get what they need. Pre-CU and late NGE both had the ability for the non-combat professions to take part in things(Entertainers even got special abilities late in NGE). Worse, BE can't really use what they make(Max is CL61). DE can't use their top tier droids either. NGE gave crafters and Entertainers levels because they were locked out of a lot of content.

Pre-CU there was the ability to mix and match while still being effective. You could mix CH with your crafter to handle life out in the wilds. Or to help you gather resources you need without relying on a second character to get the materials you need. BE, Chef and AS all need materials that can only be obtained from combat, but are unable to obtain them at the higher levels because in order to obtain CL80, you MUST be fully committed to combat.

I don't think this would be game breaking so much as in order to be the most effective at combat, for instance, you would still want the two master combat professions, but it gives crafters and entertainers a few more options.
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Hmmm right. Didn't see that one... Must have missed it.

Guess the crafters will have to be alts to the combat folks. So it makes it a little harder to find an AS/WS on when you need, because they are on their "main" chasing resources or you gotta wait for them to switch back...
I know it's been a while...

But while getting the Jewelry non-level required was a good step, there is also something people seem to forget... A crafter's suit isn't exactly cheap. Yes, crafters have gear too. And they like it just as much as combat toons do. We just get to randomly get killed by a random spawn. Naboo, I have been checking a harvie, when an albatross randomly spawned ON TOP OF ME.

Yeah... death. instantly. And I get to see how much my crafter suit decayed....
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Quoting a few posts from the other thread:

All through Pre-CU, crafters and entertainers could survive the wilds pretty well. It was only in CU that the Combat Level system was imposed. It was the CL system, and its titanic damage multipliers (which also destroyed the Battle Fatigue system), that crippled crafter survivability. The devs had such a myopic focus on enhancing the combatant experience that they completely missed the collateral damage to everyone around them. Some of us were calling for skill equalization when CU was barely started on Live. Yes, NGE eventually got it, but it was way too late by then.

In Pre-CU, I was a Master Artisan, Novice Pistoleer, with enough Medic for decent quality Stim-Bs, enough Scout for decent harvesting and terrain negotiation, and enough Entertainer to keep BF and Mind wounds in check. And I dabbled a bit in Force Sensitive lines and some Novice Chef. With reasonable care, this was enough to be moderately safe and even hunt (some) and harvest on most worlds. Not Dath, Endor and Yavin, obviously, but it was possible to occasionally visit even those worlds without being insta-killed

Join SWG and see the galaxy. "Experience the greatest saga ever told ... yours." Be who you want to be, not crammed into somebody else's straitjacket expectations. CL cost us all of that, because the devs were so intent on the combatants that they missed the collateral damage! Two-thirds of my skill points are spent, mostly in "combat" professions, and I'm a whopping CL 11. I can barely survive outside Mos Eisley city limits on Tatooine, never mind anywhere else. Multiclassing templates will always be low CL anyway: Novice boxes are 15 points each, and none of them have a CL multiplier.

This is absolutely 100% what I'm looking for. This one issue with the CU is what has kept me from joining Restoration previously, and I came here specifically to see whether it was still a problem. So long as it remains, I have zero interest in the server, but if it were fixed I would play here in a heartbeat.

On Live, I played a Master Pistoleer/Master Dancer, who at times also dabbled in Smuggler/Scout/Politician. Before the CU, the character was a blast to play! I managed to hold my own when accompanying my guild on hunts and other combat missions, and then when we paused to recover and someone put up a camp or we found a nearby cantina, I could heal fatigue and supplement buffs so that we could get back out into battle. It was a fun role for me.

The CU changed that (for the worse, in my opinion). The introduction of CLs meant that whereas I could previously survive and contribute to these group combat encounters (with the appropriate doc buffs, which did of course require interaction with other characters), now I could no longer keep up and would quickly be killed and added virtually nothing to the group's combat effectiveness. Once I'd applied my dancer buffs to the group, they were off to hunt and I was stuck at home, minding the cantina. The only way to keep up was to drop nearly all of my dancer levels to improve my CL, which was not the character I wanted to play, and was not playing "my story."

Let me make this clear: I am not looking to be the absolute best combat character while also being the absolute best support character. I am not trying to "do everything on my own" or avoid interaction with other players. Quite the opposite: I'm looking to fill a niche where I can provide some support and still participate in some activities. I don't expect to solo the top-level mobs; I just want to be able to join in some of the action while still providing something different than just another fighter.

I’m going to close this one out as we don’t intend on making any changes here. Combat level is exactly that, a combat level. It doesn’t, nor should it, apply to non-combat professions.
Professions without a combat level can still obtain buffs, stims, and use droids for protection, or venture into more dangerous areas with a group of other players for protection, which is an intended mechanic in how the game world was designed.

This is a shame, because no, it's not "how the game world was designed;" it's how the game world was changed after the fact, moving it away from the original design. I'm sure my opinion doesn't count for much around here, seeing as I'm not actually a player, but I will reiterate my previous point: If this one egregious error of the CU is fixed (as it was addressed in the NGE), I would make Restoration my SWG home (and I assume there are others like me). Until then, I'll play on servers that offer fewer features but get the core of SWG right - custom characters in unique combinations to tell your own story.
I know it's been a while...

But while getting the Jewelry non-level required was a good step, there is also something people seem to forget... A crafter's suit isn't exactly cheap. Yes, crafters have gear too. And they like it just as much as combat toons do. We just get to randomly get killed by a random spawn. Naboo, I have been checking a harvie, when an albatross randomly spawned ON TOP OF ME.

Yeah... death. instantly. And I get to see how much my crafter suit decayed....
I never wear my crafting suit when surveying/harv maint. Take that stuff off when you're not crafting!
@Blackbird71 I thought we went over this in discord and you decided to leave?
I did, and I quit the Discord server. I then came across this post, and thought I'd leave my thoughts here as well for consideration.

Frankly the Discord conversation seemed unproductive; too many people were only interested in engaging in hyperbole and misrepresenting what I was looking for. I thought I could lay my thoughts out better here, and noted that others had voiced similar thoughts so I added my voice to them.

Is that a problem?
If you're quitting and not playing here then get off of our playervoice. Thanks.
You're doing a great job of discouraging potential players from your game, both here and on Discord. If this isn't a feature you want, that's fine, it's your show. I just thought I'd echo some of the sentiments here and explain exactly why I wasn't playing here, as I thought it might be considered useful feedback. But I suppose you're not really interested in hearing voices on subjects you disagree with.

I won't trouble you further then; just as soon as I figure how to unregister my account and stop getting email notifications.
While I understand that he's not playing, the input is similar to my voice.

"Take that off when you're not crafting"

Yeah... I don't. Because I've screwed up enough crafts while "AW CRAP FORGOT TO PUT THE SUIT ON AGAIN!"

And when you're making RIS and DON'T get a socket on a +97 health CHEST PIECE, That's a lot of wasted good stuff... Not JUST the resources, but the time investment that gets wasted...
At this time we are not going to implement this, we are discussing potential alternatives to provide a well rounded solution to the actual issue at hand.

Granting levels to a non-combat character offers very little as a benefit to the non-combat character.
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