Allow pet food to be made into a factory schematic

Allow pet food to be made into a factory schematic
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Give the option for Chefs to create a factory schematic for all pet foods.
It would allow Chefs to make more pet food and also allow creature handlers to carry more food on them in a factory crate.
Hand crafting each pet food individually is painful
Allow Chefs the ability to create a factory schematic for Pet Foods
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I know nothing about pet food, but as a crafter I can't fathom a crafting action that can't end in creating a manufacturing schem
Carrying pet food is just as problematic too,, a crate would be a lot easier to carry. each pet has their own fave foods as well so most days you need more then one type of food.
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