Allow Storyteller Items to Remain Past Server Reset

Allow Storyteller Items to Remain Past Server Reset
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Allow storyteller items that are placed in the world prior to a server reset to persist after the reset, up to their remaining duration. If the item had 4 hours left when the server went down, it would still have 4 hours to go when the server came up online as opposed to just being gone.
This would not punish the people who sent the time and credits to set up the items when there needs to be an unscheduled server reset.
Currently when the server resets all storyteller items are removed from the game. As an example, if you spent 100K credits decorating your city thinking you would have 2 days of decoration only to get a notice that the server needs to be reset, you lose all of the decorations and the money spent on them.
Please allow Storyteller items to remain in the game after a server reset, up to their standard remaining time allotment. Too often a story has been set up only for there to be a required server reset (planned or unplanned) that wipes it all out.

Often there are events planned for Fridays and with the weekly server reset happening late Thursday night/early, set up for them can not be done on Thursday evenings because of the reset. This requires people to scramble Friday afternoon to get things prepared for the event.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
It sounds like a good idea and would be a nice change, however it might not be feasible. The fact that they get removed with a server reset suggests the objects are stored in memory and not persisted via the database. If this is the case it could be a not insignificant amount of effort to refactor and that's without taking into account any additional storage requirements/potential costs. I'm sure a Dev will be along to confirm or deny this at some point though.
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It sounds like a good idea and would be a nice change, however it might not be feasible. The fact that they get removed with a server reset suggests the objects are stored in memory and not persisted via the database. If this is the case it could be a not insignificant amount of effort to refactor and that's without taking into account any additional storage requirements/potential costs. I'm sure a Dev will be along to confirm or deny this at some point though.
I am very concerned that this is not as easy fix as well. However, it is a feature people would like and we won't know if we don't ask.
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