Allow the ability to purchase all tickets for all planets and shuttle locations at all the starport ticket terminals

Allow the ability to purchase all tickets for all planets and shuttle locations at all the starport ticket terminals
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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All in game starport ticket terminals to sell tickets that are currently only available when char is digitally located at the respective starport
it would make traveling around more enjoyable and faster, also it might make it easier for people to get to player city vendors.
I am tired of running around only to see shuttle leave.
For example, I am at Nym's starport on Lok, and I want to go to the player city Avalon on Corellia, but I hate the back and fourth to buy a ticket on Corellia and to get back to shuttle only to have it gone.

If ALL starport ticket terminals allow you to select the arrival planet starport , and then buy a ticket from that arrival starport to your final destination.

You would already have the ticket you needed so when you land no running around. Regardless of what starport we buy tickets in, the credits are just gone, they don't go to support player cities. This could only be done at startports, and only for tickets starports sell. (this wouldn't be for player shuttles, or minor shuttles in game cities, only the starports)
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Sorry but I'm going to disagree, its only a minor inconvience to have to wait 1 minute (used to be 5-10 minutes on live at one stage) for a shuttle and walk 50m twice for fast travel.

You can already cut that "journey" by using the starport terminal to travel to the starport you are already at to save you walking to second part of the "journey".
Being aware of routes and paths of travel is one of the things that make SWG great. For example, having to go to Corellia or Talus to get to Mustafar is a great thing. Having to launch into space then hyperspace to get to Ord Mantell is marvelous. It just makes sense in a Star Wars roleplaying game.

Disagree with this PV.
Interestingly enough, this was a thing at one point in the game. Theres a guide in the SOE forum backups detailing how to set up nifty ticket macros that I won't link because they're hosted on another server's scrapbook. But if you google "swg ticket macro" you'll be able to find it easily.

I'm not sure if that command was deleted or just disabled, but I'd assume it's still technically possible. My support of this would be dependent on how easily it could be implemented. I'd say yes if it's just turning on a command. No if there's other technical issues preventing it.
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