Allow the Bespin Port Buff to be persistant.

Allow the Bespin Port Buff to be persistant.
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Allow Bespin Ports Buff to be persistent until the fill meter wears off.
The Bespin Port Buff wears off after one expermentation. When doing a crafting run you can only use 4 Bespin ports before your drink meter is filled. This means that a crafter can only experiment 4 times in a session. When wanting to spend time making items this means that a crafter cant really make the best items they should be able to.
To enable crafters to make the best quality items that they can
Bespin Port is an essential drink for any crafter.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
To quote the SOE Development Team:

Thunderheart wrote:

Foods have this limitation because there are some foods that are really powerful[...] Some foods give a very large bonus for a short time with a large filling (Flameout, Breath of Heaven, Vercupti, Ormachek, Blue Milk and a couple of others). The major drawback to these is the fixed filling decay rate; the effect wears off before the stomach space is reclaimed. If any method was available to negate this cost, these foods would either become unbalanced or would have to be reduced in power[...] To balance the many advantages foods have (they are portable, usable by anyone, does not require skill point investment or special location to apply, can be done during combat) that some drawback must be included; that drawback is filling and a fixed digestion rate that cannot be bypassed.

While Bespin Port because of its specific benefit to the Artisan professions is an exception to part of the mechanics around this general rule, the limitations applied with filling and consumption provide an important gating and create trade-offs to using the buff. It is not intended that unlimited buffing of experimentation be available for an unlimited time. It is intended that if you chose to enhance your experimentation, you have to make a decision about what you're crafting, experimenting with, and when given the constraint of time and filling provided.

Absent additional justification beyond alleged inconvenience and limitations on experimentation per session, which are an intended mechanic, I don't see any reason to implement this change.
To quote the SOE Development Team:

While Bespin Port because of its specific benefit to the Artisan professions is an exception to part of the mechanics around this general rule, the limitations applied with filling and consumption provide an important gating and create trade-offs to using the buff. It is not intended that unlimited buffing of experimentation be available for an unlimited time. It is intended that if you chose to enhance your experimentation, you have to make a decision about what you're crafting, experimenting with, and when given the constraint of time and filling provided.

Absent additional justification beyond alleged inconvenience and limitations on experimentation per session, which are an intended mechanic, I don't see any reason to implement this change.
it actually doesn't even limit how much you can use on a experiment session, if you want to be crazy and use a port on every point of experiment you're going to be waiting in the experiment window for an hour or two but you can do it. The trade-off to using port as a crafter is whether you want to wait 30 minutes and use more money to get a bonus that while a difference isn't a particularly noticeable one, even with port 240 assembly and only using 3 points at a time I've seen critical failures
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On the one hand, having a duration on Bespin is silly because it is single use anyway. So persistent makes sense. Its not breaking it just means if you get pulled away during a session you don't lose the buff. You could make it last longer, say a multiple of 15, for the same basic effect. On the other hand, this seems to suggest that the buff should remain as long as it is active and not be a single use. The request is for both multiple use AND longer effect - I'd down vote that.

Fill is far more limiting, and does its job.

Sadly Bespin isn't as useful as it should be anyway, barely moving the real chance of an amazing success, and certainly not stopping critical fails.
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