Attribute Reconfiguration

Attribute Reconfiguration
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Attribute Reconfiguration

I think the current base attributes are kind of out of date and numbers for percentages are way too low and unreliable, if not broken. I wanted to suggest changes to be more like what they are below.

1.5 Armor per point
Damage Reduction: 0.025% per point
Healing Received: 0.025% per point
Critical Hit Resistance: 0.05% per point
Force Resistance: 0.025% per point

Armor = ([50 = 75], [100 = 150], [150 = 225], [250 = 375], [375 = 562], [500 = 750])
DR / HR / FR = ([40 = 1%], [100 = 2.5%], [200 = 5%], [300 = 7.5%], [400 = 10%])
CHR = ([20 = 1%], [50 = 2.5%], [100 = 5%], [150 = 7.5%], [200 = 10%])
2 HP per point
1 Mind per point
1 Action per point
0.1% H/A/M regen per point

Regen = (*100 = 10%*)
Melee General
Melee Accuracy: 0.33 per point
Melee Defense: 0.25 per point
Melee Speed: 0.25 per point
Melee Critical Hit Chance: 0.05% per point
Melee Critical Damage: 0.05% per point
Combat Medical Speed: 0.165 per point
Healing Efficiency: 0.5 per point

CHC / CD = ([20 = 1%], [50 = 2.5%], [100 = 5%], [150 = 7.5%], [200 = 10%], [300 = 15%])
Ranged General
Ranged Accuracy: 0.33 per point
Ranged Defense: 0.25 per point
Ranged Speed: 0.25 per point
Ranged Critical Hit Chance: 0.05% per point
Ranged Critical Damage: 0.05% per point
Combat Medical Speed: 0.165 per point
Healing Efficiency: 0.5 per point

CHC / CD = ([20 = 1%], [50 = 2.5%], [100 = 5%], [150 = 7.5%], [200 = 10%], [300 = 15%])
Defense General
Defense: 0.33 per point
Damage Reduction: 0.0125% per point
Healing Received: 0.025% per point
Glancing Blow Chance: 0.025% per point

DR = ([80 = 1%], [200 = 2.5%], [400 = 5%])
HR / GBC = ([40 = 1%], [100 = 2.5%], [200 = 5%], [300 = 7.5%], [400 = 10%])
Opportune Chance
Accuracy: 0.33 per point
Medical Speed: 0.33 per point
Critical Hit Resistance: 0.05% per point
Critical Hit Chance: 0.05% per point
Critical Hit Damage: 0.025% per point
Glancing Blow Chance: 0.025% per point

CHC / CHR = ([20 = 1%], [50 = 2.5%], [100 = 5%], [150 = 7.5%], [200 = 10%], [300 = 15%])
CHD / GBC = ([40 = 1%], [100 = 2.5%], [200 = 5%], [300 = 7.5%], [400 = 10%])

What is Force Resistance?
It decreases damage dealt by all force abilities, including things like force choke and also increases your Force Breach Resistance.

What is Damage Reduction?
Its damage reduction. I believe it reduces damage from all direct sources. This is balanced around it not affecting damage over time effects as there are already 100 ways to reduce that.

What is Critical Hit Resistance?
This reduces the damage you take from Critical Hits.

What is Glancing Blow Chance?
Gives you a chance to turn a regular hit into a glancing blow, pretty luck based.

What is Healing Received?
This statistic increases the healing ONLY to you.

What is Medical Speed?
It decreases the global cooldown of all the abilities in Doctor, Medic, and Combat Medic, similar to Medical Combat Speed, but it affects everything.
To put it simply, there are several reasons. One of them is people are dying way too quickly, even Jedi who get Breached notice this. It is only seen that Jedi are the exception because their damage reduction and abilities just make them that much more tanky over the average player.

The other reason I wanted to address this was Critical Chance. It is so inconsistent right now its too hard to balance around. In SWTOR I know critical chance for awhile rested at around 25% because it made it easier to predict and make content around, I believe the same here.

It being so low right now makes it more of a gamble than anything else.

I didn't like how every patch damage reduction and stuff keeps getting changed and I want more stability and something easier to balance than blanket nerfs/buffs that make everyone the same or give everyone the same damage reduction. I also know how low the current percentages are, this makes it almost impossible to balance around as its so inconsistent.

"New Orders Sir..."

The young woman says, handing the package to their superior as they scoffed slowly, before eyeing Vryka.

"Is there a problem?"

The old officer smirked, taking a cigarette from their pouch and lighting it.

"No wonder you were demoted, Major. Read it off to me."

Vryka appeared visibly upset, but they couldn't afford to lose another rank so she obediently began to read the report.

"Well, it seems that our military statistics are off, and as this report indicates several that we thought were improvements were instead fancy words and needless bloat, indicating they believe the money was spent on other projects or even could be Rebel Insurgence. This report suggests new ways to improve our ground forces."

"Well Major.. tell me your assessments. What do you think about these suggestions?"

The old officer takes a long pause before turning to Vryka as he eyes her expectedly.

"Well for one, perhaps they are annoyed at all the recent changes these past months, for example the recent laminate armor shipments have been strange, they were stronger before but now it seems they keep cutting the cost, or well.. to explain it better our troops are dying a lot faster and it isn't looking good for brass." she said, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Hm?" The old officer eyes Vryka suspiciously, wondering if the rumors of her were true.

"Apologies Sir. Recently around the barracks some of the troops have been calling it the clone wars...."

"How odd, you are dismissed Major."
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While I think you have some good ideas, you're basically asking to reinvent an entire system which will take months of balance testing and tweaking. This is not the purpose of a player voice. Hate to break it to you but this will never make it in just because you would have to get a dev to agree to literally every point you've made.

A PV would be:

"I think toughness should grant some resistance to force powers, here's why I think that it would work well and what is the reasoning its needed." END OF PV. Not redesigning all 6 base stats from the ground up.

Make PVs simple and small and you'll get a better response. Take a look at some of the PVs that have made it through. None of them are entire design documents.
While I think you have some good ideas, you're basically asking to reinvent an entire system which will take months of balance testing and tweaking. This is not the purpose of a player voice. Hate to break it to you but this will never make it in just because you would have to get a dev to agree to literally every point you've made.

A PV would be:

"I think toughness should grant some resistance to force powers, here's why I think that it would work well and what is the reasoning its needed." END OF PV. Not redesigning all 6 base stats from the ground up.

Make PVs simple and small and you'll get a better response. Take a look at some of the PVs that have made it through. None of them are entire design documents.
I tried to make it as few words as possible but I have a hard time understanding what people want, for me it was easier to read things like above.

Also, that is exactly what the last few patches have been doing, by adding DR or removing DR (like 20% damage reduction) and then taking it away, then adding +200 blanket accuracy to everyone, ectect.

It's basically the same thing, just different and my way is easier to balance as it involves ONE test for one, and also makes it so people can build and play the way they want to.
I generally agree that the primary attributes are not perfectly tuned as they are now. Opportune Chance offers too much, Toughness offers too little. Open to more fine grained suggestions there, but as Banth said this is a bit too broad. A lot of the new stats you suggested also make sense as Exotics, which we just generally need more of anyway.

I didn't like how every patch damage reduction and stuff keeps getting changed and I want more stability and something easier to balance
This is what everyone wants, of course. Balancing this server is a learning experience for everyone, and with such an incredibly open and diverse game as this one, nobody can perfectly predict the outcomes of how players will interact with the tools that are given to them. So, you're not gonna ever arrive at the perfect damage values for every profession, as an example.

That's why I've taken the approach of just being more hands-on with balance changes. For one, it allows us to shorten the amount of time that degenerate play patterns exist (and trust me, degenerate play patterns will always be found). But for another, buffing/nerfing things can also just encourage more experimentation with something new, which is one of the things I personally love about this game. Balance updates are a little nudge to keep things fresh for yourself, on top of just keeping gameplay healthy.
Yeah. That is why I suggested a higher chance to critically hit. Most games that are well balanced usually have it set at 25-33% when you fully go into it, which makes it easier to predict and balance around. Currently I see random events where people get crit with sniper shot which doesn't happen all the time but feels bad. I'd rather they do less damage (especially to tanks) but happen more often.

One issue with Exotics is you need more, for example... I doubt exotics could push a high enough critical chance for example to be more inline with other games. It just seems to little.