Balance Fixes for dedicated MDOC/MCM/MMedic

Balance Fixes for dedicated MDOC/MCM/MMedic
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Grant a new passive skills "Science Proficiency" (or other more appropriate name) +1 to master doctor, master combat medic, master medic.

+1 does nothing
+2 increases area of effect to all abilities in doc/medic/combat medic by 3m. If the ability did not have an area of effect, it has one now.(unless balancing requires some abilities be skipped)
+3 increases area of affect to all abilities in doc/medic/combat medic by an additional 7m. If the ability did not have an area of affect, it has one now. (unless balancing requires some abilities be skipped)

There's room for other increases or adjustments based on this stat, such as potency increases, but for simplicity and balancing sake I would just start with adding an AoE.
Those who wish to dedicate themselves to so many points into all 3 trees should have a bit more reward then now. It's also a way to balance out the damage from one character who focuses on the above as opposed to someone running mcm/mcommando, or any other combination of those classes with a combat class. They will be able to apply a bit more AoE pressure without dramatically increasing their damage. They will also be able to provide a bit more AoE healing, without increasing their damage, or their defense, making them fit the healer archetype more directly.
Other then a healing potency increase, there is very little reason to run a mmedic/mcm/mdoc build as of right now. The biggest problem being if you are unable to find a group of any kind, your extremely limited on what you can do in game. Even running missions for money where they spawn 5 npcs, or some of the theme parks become extremely slow and extremely tedious because of how long it takes to take down the Easiest of npcs with dots. At the very least by allowing these dots to spread or apply as an AoE will dramatically speed up the time it takes to down these npcs and complete solo content, while still being significantly slower then a mdoc or mcm combined with literally any other combat class. Just about every combat class has an AoE ability accessible to it, except for this combination. Focusing 250 skill points into this build should reward you more then just a slight amount of healing potency, and give you some combat capability that is slightly more then abysmal in solo content.
  • What is motivating this suggestion? What is the problem and why is it a problem now?
Having played the combination of 3, its nice to have the increased healing potency and efficiency, which gives you room to support a group reasonably well. However there is a downside to dedicating yourself to that level. You are completely useless in even the most simplest of solo content in the game compared to any other class. There's also nothing that is really terribly enhanced by dedicating yourself to the entire craft other then a slight potency increase. As a result you have to group for literally EVERYTHING, and there's not as much brought to the group that most other solo classes can't do almost just as effectively with just the healing trees of CM.
  • What is your proposal? Exactly and specifically, what should be changed and how?
Create a new stat called 'Science Proficiency'. This is given in each of the 3 master boxes, +1 for master doc, +1 for master combat medic, +1 for master medic.(amount subject to balancing). Acquiring +1 in this stat, does nothing. Going to +2 would enhance all(or most, or based on balancing what's appropriate) of your abilities in medic, doctor, and combat medic to either have increased area of effect, or have an area of effect where it had none. Adding 3m radius for the first point. Adding the 3rd +1 stat would add another 7m to the radius of all of those abilities(because getting all 3 should be a higher reward vs just running mcm and mmedic for example. This would include heals, dots, cleanses, debuffs etc.
  • What is the justification for making this specific change and how will it impact the affected parties?
The purpose of this change is that for someone who dedicates 250 of their skill points to both of these trees currently, they are less effective offensively as someone who is pics up mdoc, OR mcm and pairs it with literally any other combat class. Just about every combat class in the game can do an aoe of some kind. Even if the dot damage still remains low, the ability to do an aoe dot on a simple player mission would make trying to grind missions solo significantly easier. While still being Significantly worse then an mdoc/any combat class, or mcm/any combat class doing the same task. For balancing purposes there maybe some debuffs where you wouldn't want it to have an AoE and thats understandable. But the ability to dedicate so many points, you should get some additional benefit to both sides of the professions(mdoc and mcm) that help everyone. Being that dedicated should improve your healing, or your cleansing, buffing etc over a normal mdoc, and same with dots/debuffs over a normal mcm. Right now other then increased potency of heals there's no real synergy increase at all.

This will also improve the gameplay of someone who is unable to find a group with this profession build's ability to do some kind of content whether it be mission grinds or themeparks without it taking 30x longer then literally any other combat class due to the low damage of the dots by themselves. While still being slower then any other combat class after the changes.