Balance Pass for Master Doctor, Master Medic, and ideas for Combat Medic.

Balance Pass for Master Doctor, Master Medic, and ideas for Combat Medic.
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
All Proposals
Adjustments to Medical Augmentation
Normal versions of these abilities will have a shorter cooldown then their improved versions. The strengths of the buffs are now automatically adjusted to this statistic.

Disease Inoculation
Disease Resistance = 0.8 per Medical Augmentation (80 at 100.)
Disease Absorption = 0.25 per Medical Augmentation (25 at 100.)
Poison Inoculation
Poison Resistance = 0.8 per Medical Augmentation (80 at 100.)
Poison Absorption = 0.25 per Medical Augmentation (25 at 100.)
Adrenal Boost
Modify Combat Speed = 0.25 per Medical Augmentation (25 at 100.)
Nutrient Injection
Health = 0.1 per Medical Augmentation (10.00% Health at 100.)
Health Regeneration = 0.1 per Medical Augmentation (10% Health Regeneration at 100.)
Endorphin Injection
Action (New, due to OCD) = 0.1 per Medical Augmentation (10.00% Action at 100.)
Action Regeneration = 0.1 per Medical Augmentation (10% Health Regeneration at 100.)
Serotonin Injection
Mind (New, due to OCD) = 0.1 per Medical Augmentation (10.00% Mind at 100.)
Mind Regeneration = 0.1 per Medical Augmentation (10% Health Regeneration at 100.)

Adjustments to Pathology Line

Pathology I:
Skill: Counter Toxin
Cures Poison.
Applies "Poison Protection" on successful cure for 10 seconds.
Poison Absorption = 0.25 per Cure Efficiency (25 at 100.)
Skill: Bandage
Cures Bleed.
Applies "Bleed Protection" on successful cure for 10 seconds.
Bleed Absorption = 0.25 per Cure Efficiency (25 at 100.)
Pathology II
Skill: Extinguish Fire
Cures Fire.
Applies "Fire Blanket" on successful cure for 10 seconds.
Fire Absorption = 0.25 per Cure Efficiency (25 at 100.)
Skill: Disinfect
Cures Disease.
Applies "Disease Immunity" on successful cure for 8 seconds.
Pathology III:
Skill: Improved Counter Toxin
Cures Poison in an AOE around you.
Applies "Poison Protection" on successful cure for 10 seconds.
Poison Absorption = 0.25 per Cure Efficiency (25 at 100.)
Skill: Improved Bandage
Cures Bleed in an AOE around you.
Applies "Bleed Protection" on successful cure for 10 seconds.
Bleed Absorption = 0.25 per Cure Efficiency (25 at 100.)
Pathology IV:
Skill: Improved Extinguish Fire
Cures Fire in an AOE around you.
Applies "Fire Blanket" on successful cure for 10 seconds.
Fire Absorption = 0.25 per Cure Efficiency (25 at 100.)
Skill: Improved Disinfect
Cures Disease in an AOE around you.
Applies "Disease Immunity" on successful cure for 8 seconds.

Adjustments to Medical Knowledge, the Medical Augmentation line, and a new skill called "Malpractice"
All Augmentation Efficiency was moved into the Medical Augmentation line, and Medical Knowledge is it's own unique branch of skills and abilities. The proposal should have Master Doctor be at a nice "100" Augmentation Efficiency, as planned below. Malpractice is a unique skill idea that scales not off your weapon's damage instead your healing power. In addition to ignoring armor it also lowers the target's next healing abilities power by a significant margin. This only happens once, and does not work for procs like Second Chance, or HOTs like Bacta Infusion as it would be a waste for it to work on them. I would put its damage at around 500 to 650 for just a Master Doctor with no tapes or other abilities that increase healing.

Medical Augmentation I:
+10 Augmentation Efficiency
Skill: Poison Inoculation
Skill: Endorphin Injection
Medical Augmentation II:
+10 Augmentation Efficiency
Skill: Serotonin Injection
Skill: Adrenal Boost
Skill: Disease Inoculation
Medical Augmentation III:
+10 Augmentation Efficiency
Skill: Improved Endorphin Injection
Skill: Improved Poison Inoculation
Skill: Improved Nutrient Injection
Medical Augmentation IV:
+15 Augmentation Efficiency
Skill: Improved Disease Inoculation
Skill: Improved Serotonin Serotonin Injection
Skill: Improved Adrenal Boost
New Knowledge Line
Medical Knowledge I:
+10 Melee Defense
+10 Ranged Defense
+1 Healing Potency
Medical Knowledge II:
+5 Melee Defense
+5 Ranged Defense
+1 Healing Potency
Skill: Malpractice
This unique melee attack's damage scales off your healing power and ignores armor.
Unique Effect: Heal Cut (15 second duration)
Reduces the next outgoing heal the target receives by 50%.
Medical Knowledge III:
+10 Melee Defense
+10 Ranged Defense
+1 Healing Potency
Medical Knowledge IV:
+5 Melee Defense
+5 Ranged Defense
+2 Healing Potency
Skill: Improved Malpractice
This unique melee attack's damage scales off your healing power and ignores armor.
Unique Effect: Heal Cut (15 second duration)
Reduces the next outgoing heal the target receives by 60%.
Master Doctor:
+20 Augmentation Efficiency
+25 Cure Efficiency
+10 Melee Defense
+10 Ranged Defense
+10 Healing Potency
Skill: Revive Player
Skill: Advanced Bacta Infusion
Skill: Bacta Bomb (A Thrown AOE Bacta Jab, it heals less then Bacta Spray, but has a much wider area.)
Skill: Advanced Malpractice
This unique AOE melee attack's damage scales off your healing power and ignores armor.
Unique Effect: Heal Cut (15 second duration)
Reduces the next outgoing heal the target receives by 70%.

Master Medic Adjustments
Master Medic:
+20 Bio-Suppression Efficiency​
+20 Augmentation Efficiency (No longer a useless statistic.)​
+5 Healing Potency​

Combat Medic Ideas and Adjustments
This makes Neurotoxin and Infect an AOE ability, at a large cost of their overall damage. I made these changes after I realized that the AOE Poison and Disease cure don't really.. have a reason to exist? Plus I like this idea overall.

Skill: Neurotoxin
Reduce all poison damage this skill does by 50-60%.
Applies Poison to a small area around the target.
Skill: Bacterial Neurotoxin
Reduce all poison damage this skill does by 50-60%.
Applies Poison to a medium area around the target.
Skill: Viral Neurotoxin
Reduce all poison damage this skill does by 50-60%.
Applies Poison to a large area around the target.
Either this, or add more danger to the skill by making it drop at your feet and dispense the poison there so that the Combat Medic must be in the thick and in danger to dispense their poison like a melee character.
Skill: Infection
Reduce the Action Damage this skill does by 50-60%.
Increase Wound Damage this skill does. (15% more.)
Applies Disease to a small area around the target.
Skill: Bacterial Infection
Reduce the Action Damage this skill does by 50-60%.
Increase Wound Damage this skill does. (20% more.)
Applies Disease to a medium area around the target.
Skill: Viral Infection
Reduce the Action Damage this skill does by 50-60%.
Increase Wound Damage this skill does. (25% more.)
Applies Disease to a large area around the target.
Another idea I had was to completely remove the action damage Infect did and make it spread debuffs (non-damage ones) from the original target you infected to everyone around that target. It punishes people for stacking ontop of each other to use group healing and bacta spray. Not only that, its counterplay since you can only spread from the original target is simply moving away from your party members. So you have to watch your debuffs.

This greatly reduces the single target damage Combat Medic does in 1v1s.
Doctor Adjustments

Adjustments to Augmentation Efficiency

It does nothing but takes up space inside the box, and that makes me feel sad.

Adjustments to Pathology Line
This line is absolutely garbage and needs a buff. I don't really think I need to say anything else because for example a Flamethrower can just apply the same fire 1 second after you cure it. All it takes is one of the seven commandos your fighting in group PvP to click "Burn down!" and that fire will be right up again, no counter-play. I also wanted AOE Poison cure to actually be something you want too, which it wasn't before which is why I suggested changes to Combat Medic.

Augmentation Line Adjustments
I cleaned it up and made the stats more consistent with other boxes in the game, and I moved all the buffs there to make the new Knowledge line look clean. The reason why I made Augmentation 100 instead of 90 like it was, is because its easier to divide by 100 then it is 90 and it currently does absolutely nothing.

Knowledge Line Adjustments
The new skill called Malpractice was a really cool concept I read on discord and I wanted to bring it to life. The skill is a unique one that scales off healing power and the reason was I couldn't think of any way to make it balanced around melee or ranged, and thought of the idea based on an ability I had in another game I played. This allows it to be used with any weapon and makes it actually scale to how good of a healer you are which is really unique and cool and unlike any other skill in the game. I really didn't want it to be like any other skill. The "Heal Cut" idea was a great one, but I didn't want to step on the toes of others who did the same thing and I wanted it to be different, thus why it only works on one healing ability and not many like the other heal reducing skills.

The reason I moved some of the Healing Potency from Master Doctor to this tree is because Medical Knowledge sounds cool to get that statistic, no other reason and it can be changed back to all go into Master if you want.

Master Doctor Adjustments
Advanced Bacta Infusion is absolutely required, and Bacta Bomb is a really cool and fun skill to use, has a fun sound effect and is a cool ability I miss. Advanced Malpractice is the AOE version of the ability and is very unique. I am putting down ideas here but I will say Bacta Bomb is not required if you take into account all the other changes, Bacta Jab is just kind of useless.
Master Medic Adjustments
Healing Efficiency sucks, and now that we fixed Augmentation Efficiency and Healing Potency, it actually has purpose to exist.
Combat Medic Ideas and Adjustments
I believe that combat medic has way too much single target damage. My goal is to lower their single target damage, but raise their damage to large groups, allowing them to have an actual role in group pvp. This makes them more like they were in CU, Pre-CU, and NGE.

The AOE Poison and Disease Cure from Doctor is also kind of useless, unless Combat Medics can apply AOE poison and disease. There is no reason for the skills to exist otherwise. So this is also a big reason for this.
These are my proposals for Doctor, Master Medic, and ideas to adjust Combat Medic

The TL;DR Version is this for Doctor
- Makes stats that are useless like Augmentation Efficiency not useless.
- Adds cool new hip skills for all the kids to use.
- Adds 200% more fun to the Doctor class.

The TL;DR Version for the Master Medic
- Makes the skills in it not useless.

The TL;DR for Combat Medic
- Way less single target damage.
- Poison becomes AOE, but deals significantly less damage.
- Disease becomes AOE, but deals significantly less action damage.
- Radius for these increases from Improved and Advanced versions.
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Too many ideas in 1 player voice.

If one person dislikes just one idea they will downvote everything

Suggest separate threads for ideas
I cleaned up a lot of things but didn't change much. I adjusted some numbers to be a little more reasonable because they are new changes and I would like to see them in play first.

I also made it easier to read the post since it was so large.
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