Banning more words/abbreviations

Banning more words/abbreviations
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Update community guidelines and stop rewarding this behaviour.
It's currently too relaxed on what is acceptable.
See picture.
I think its time that the Community Guidelines were updated on what is and isnt acceptable. There's plenty of memes of things that get glossed over and this is becoming a bit of a cesspit. We all know what KYS means, just recently someone defended themselves on twitter and said it was "Keep Yourself Safe" which whilst better than "Kill Yourself" but is actually threatening. Well now some people have decided to bring that into this community.

This on top of the absolute vile jokes made against certain sexual orientations during the friday night community nights in R3 voice channels that are actually laughed with and accepted by certain members of staff, just helps solidify what sort of community is accepted around here. A lot of people stay quiet and keep out of this stuff because it is just easier and don't believe action will be taken but if this is what this server is coming to then why would anyone new want to join this and why would anyone in their right mind want to support this project ?
Voting on this suggestion has been paused.
Did you /report the house? I think that is a good first step to address that if it is implying something against the standards.
Did you /report the house? I think that is a good first step to address that if it is implying something against the standards.
I have yes, I just feel this needs to be better honed down in the guidelines going forward as there's a few people testing the waters recently.
Thank you Reevesy and I agree. I had someone tell me (paraphrasing) that I should just grow a thick skin. I guess that means we should all just ignore racism, sexism, ableism (derogatory remarks toward disabled folks) too while we're at it. (I've reported my cases as well.) Thanks for taking a stand.
Thank you for your message and for bringing these issues to our attention. To address a few points:

1\ Telling someone to kill themselves is inappropriate conduct and violates our Community Standards as they exist today. Our Support Team has investigated and taken action against the involved account.

2\ Because we do not have an adequate means to moderate voice chat, we have decided to remove voice channels from our Discord. The official Discord is for community members to connect and to interact with Staff. However, events involving voice communications are best left to private servers like those operated by individual guilds or communities or unofficial Discord servers run by and for the community.

3\ Our community will always be welcoming and inclusive to all and we will not tolerate legitimate harassment, bigotry, discrimination, or hatred of any kind. Notwithstanding, there is a difference between comments made in jest and comments made with the intent to inflict harm or spread hate. The former is discouraged but not banned, while the latter is. We try to allow everyone to express themselves as they see fit, and sometimes they go too far, and sometimes we miss the mark in gauging what is and isn't appropriate. Our moderators are people too and make mistakes just as well. Accordingly, we rely on the community collectively to let us know when we need to recalibrate our behavior barometer.

4\ I will add the acronym "KYS" to the banned phrases list.

I'm going to close the thread with that. But as a general reminder, please review our knowledgebase article on How to Report Harassment, Abuse, Threats, or other Inappropriate Activity. Don't hesitate to report things to support even if you aren't sure if they break the rules, as we're always happy to investigate to ensure the community stays safe and welcoming for all.
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