Bio Engineer Chef Tissues Need Reworked

Bio Engineer Chef Tissues Need Reworked
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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I see two possible solutions.
1.) Move all Food Tissues to the Chef tree
2.) Change the experimentation of Food Tissues to Medical Experimentation
This just seems broken. Right now there is no market for Bio Engineers to provide tissues for Chefs. This just requires Chefs take Bio Engineering to make their own foods. If you move food tissues to the Chef tree this just gives Chef more flexibility with their skill points. If you change the experimentation of food tissues to Medical Experimentation this could potentially open up a market for Bio Engineers.
The problem is. Chefs need tissues to make their food. They have to take BE which is a huge skill point investment in order to do so. I could hire a normal Bio Engineer to create the schematic for me but they do not have any experimentation to make them unless they invest skill points into the Chef tree.
Currently in the game food tissues in the Bio Engineer tree require food experimentation. There is no food experimentation in the Bio Engineer tree at all. This creates some odd catch 22. You can't make good food without Bio Engineer to get tissues. You can't make good tissues without going into Chef. I can't think of any other profession that has this weird mechanic.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
im with the opening up a new market for BE option since the removal of those schematics would make one branch of BE completely empty and master would be nothing but pet stim D
Having to be master chef in order to make best possible recipes requiring food experimentation is counterproductive. If a player’s BE build doesn’t leave enough points to complete master chef, then the BE loses out on those last 2 food experimentation points.

Changing food experimentation to medical would definitely solve this problem, and frankly make more sense for the profession.
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