Buff Builder Screen Change for Entertainers

Buff Builder Screen Change for Entertainers
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Add a set of five Favorite buttons to the Entertainers buff screen where the entertainer can assign common buff requests to these buttons. This would allow an Entertainer to quickly fill out the screen to buff the most common requests with a single button selection. No need to label the buttons as selecting one would only fill out the screen, not commit the buff. If it’s the wrong one the Entertainer could select a different button or manually correct it. The buff would not apply to the target until the Entertainer committed it with the Accept button.
Make selecting most common buffs for an Ent quicker and their ability to buff quicker.
Make Entertainers job easier.
And Bob's your uncle.... :)
This would be a nice added feature. For instance, most crafters want Resource Quality and Amazing Success, or the RQ and Luck. A one button click would be nice to add these buffs.
In addition to adding the buttons, I would like to see the buffs that are not working be disabled until they get fixed. New Ents and players have no idea what is working and what does not. If they are not in the menu or are grayed out until fixed, ppl will not be getting broken buffs.
I talked with Aconite about this before. He had the idea of preset buffs or saving the customer's previous buff to use next time. It would be a great addition.

Players need to be educated on which buffs are working and which are not. I can see second chance and harvest faire being fixed sometime but not sure about movement speed. Entertainers, let players know to avoid these buffs for now especially movement speed as it will bug their characters so they can't get a buff until relogging.