So I just wanted to share my perspective as a fairly new player about how I feel about this ITV system. Before today I didn't know about the ITV system and it has given me at least one negative experience. Today I was doing Droid Army for the first time with a solid group. We had the leader guy downed but had some deaths that ultimately led me to die. Afterwards there were droids attacking the camp or something so I was told to run back in but I didn't know that the people that were running back in were fast traveling to the camp outside the entrance. So when I did it I rode a speeder back to the entrance and by the time I got there they had already cleared the instance and I didn't receive completion.
So my perspective from today's experience is:
- It's a system not made obvious or available to new players
- it's expected of you
And those two things together really burned me out today
Making it available to new players would seemingly be in line with the OP, but all the responses seem to want to keep it gated from new players which would seemingly also gate their capacity to do group stuff as effectively as veterans can.