Covert status

Covert status
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Make there be a way for faction symbol/color to simply not show up next to the character's name while that character is on leave, also factional armor should not be allowed to be worn while on leave status, accrue negative faction points while wearing your faction's armor on leave.
It just doesn't make sense why you would want to be flagged as a faction member while on leave status. It's the equivalent of military personnel wearing dog tags to a bar.; cringe.
Make being on leave more immersive. Words and actions should be the only things that determine your faction affiliation while on leave status.
I'd like to see a way to not be able to distinguish between who is rebel and who is imperial when those characters are on leave status. Factional armor should also not be allowed to be worn on leave status.
While I can kinda agree on the idea and like the concept of dodging the cops.
I think the "It's the equivalent of military personnel wearing dog tags to a bar.; cringe." may be a more personally note then "game changing".

If you know anyone IRL that is apart of a military force it can be a pretty dang big thing to them. Not to say every in-game character needs to be that way especially with this being a game. But this is kinda an RP game and from what I've seen when people who join factions they do so once they are "wanting" to be apart of that faction.
In a Galactic civil war/rebellion, it could be pretty hard to be covert. It only takes being seen once as a SF or assisting the rebels for the Empire to mark you for death/prison. Tho in lore there are lots of accounts of Imps defecting and helping the rebels but after doing so most had 0 way of returning to the empire except for execution/jail.
I'm not a fan of this idea, but the other side to this would have to be to get rid of combatant. You either fight or you don't: no just killing NPCs and players can't get you