Credit Currency Symbol

Credit Currency Symbol
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
A quick and simple change to the font should be all that is required.
It would look better and take up less characters when writing things out. Instead of typing "Only 25000 credits", a player could type "Only $25000" and the game would simply have the Galactic Credit symbol in place of the dollar sign or whatever the player has locally.
Immersion and laziness in equal parts.
I know this is not a big thing, but I've had this idea bouncing around in my head for a while. Would it a bad or difficult idea to replace the common currency characters(dollars, pounds, euros, et cetera) in the in game's font with the Star Wars Credit currency symbol?
This is a great idea and I agree it should be in the client, but not one too easily achieved unfortunately. The client encodes characters with (a now fairly old version of) Unicode which doesn’t currently support Aurabesh, the Star Wars “Font,” including the “Credits Symbol.” There has been a number of concept proposals to incorporate it but none have been added to the standard (and upgrading our current standard is a decently heavy lift). We may be able to modify the glyphs in the existing font family to switch out the symbol, but I’ll have to investigate that further.
This is a great idea and I agree it should be in the client, but not one too easily achieved unfortunately. The client encodes characters with (a now fairly old version of) Unicode which doesn’t currently support Aurabesh, the Star Wars “Font,” including the “Credits Symbol.” There has been a number of concept proposals to incorporate it but none have been added to the standard (and upgrading our current standard is a decently heavy lift). We may be able to modify the glyphs in the existing font family to switch out the symbol, but I’ll have to investigate that further.
That's roughly what I was suggesting. Honestly, I think the hardest part would be to find it, then just replacing the specific symbols with a modified "7".