Defunct Cities/Guilds/Players

Defunct Cities/Guilds/Players
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Scrub the server of inactive players, guilds, guild members.
If active player cities are purged by system or mayor's then have the system purge inactive players, guilds/guild members who truly are not in game.
Try adding player names on houses to friends list and you will find majority will generate a message, Player not found. Good indication that the player has not logged in since the last large patch, new launcher and new website.
Consider purging defunct cities and guild members and guilds. Remove trainers/streetlights that are still visible even though the city itself is gone. Purge inactive players who do not have an account on the server.
Execute Order 67: Purge old names, buildings, cities… Especially stuff that’s still here after the 1 year mark. Lot of prime real estate, cool names that could be re-used.
Thanks TBone for supporting this. I would challenge other guild leaders/mayors to post a screenshot of our residents/guild list sorting last login dates of the longest MIA guild member. I wonder if some circumvent "last login" info on players by having access to other player's login/passwords? Wish there was a work around on that happening too.
Did this list up, didn't take long, but I think the numbers justify what I am proposing. Every guild leader should purge their guild members list at the very least starting with those players not seen in the last 160 days or more ( I keep mine to 120 days btw) .. and start packing up their citizens housing if not logged in and not on a save list. To Put it in perspective, There are 3234 guild members in guilds with over 40 members. The other guilds 39 members and under are well over 1000 plus players. Anyone else think a guild list purge is needed? Consider this as well, there are +830 players registered in Restoration 3 discord and even if all had their 3rd character slot toon in play, that would translate into 830 discord members representing a possible 2490 players that could be playing in game at any one time. A big difference from +4000 or more showing in the list of "so-called active guilds and their members" .
7 guilds 5 members = 35
9 guilds 6 members = 48
8 guilds 7 members = 56
4 guilds 8 members = 32
6 guilds 9 members = 54
5 guilds 10 members = 50
1 guild 11 members = 11
4 guilds 12 members = 48
4 guilds 13 members = 52
3 guilds 14 members = 42
4 guilds 15 members = 60
3 guilds 16 members = 48
5 guilds 17 members = 85
1 guild 18 members = 18
3 guilds 19 members = 57
3 guilds 21 members = 63
3 guilds 23 members = 69
1 guild 24 members = 24
1 guild 25 members = 25
1 guild 26 members = 26
1 guild 27 members = 27
2 guilds 32 members = 64
2 guilds 33 members = 66
1 guild 36 members = 36
1 guild 37 members = 37
1 guild 39 members = 39
4 guilds 46 members = 184
1 guild 47 members = 47
2 guilds 51 members = 102
1 guild 54 members = 54
1 guild 55 members = 55
1 guild 56 members = 56
1 guild 63 members = 63
1 guild 70 members = 70
1 guild 73 members = 73
1 guild 85 members = 85
1 guild 101 members = 101
1 guild 116 members = 116
1 guild 124 members = 124
1 guild 138 members = 138
1 guild 141 members = 141
1 guild 150 members = 150
1 guild 151 members = 151
1 guild 165 members = 165
1 guild 220 members = 220
1 guild 235 members = 235
1 guild 237 members = 237
1 guild 320 members = 320
1 guild 347 members = 347
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if its a real estate thing then can this not be resolved via the packup system? Not sure I agree on expunging the char itself but I am not invested or concerned with names being taken if that is the logic.
I understand the packing up houses and the zoning violations take care of that.

I don't agree with clearing out names at this point. Just because someone hasn't played in a while doesn't mean they should have to rename when/if they come back.
The absentee person(s) I refer to is not even registered on the server. They have not even created an account on the new server. When the website was re-launched last year, we were required to make a new account here on, then tie it into the Resto discord by joining that as well. Those "names" are not in game. But still show up in abandoned housing and in over 50% of guild lists. Some players left of their own volition and others due to the hands of someone else. Purge and show an active guild, active player city and active server. Or don't have packup option in player cities or if you do, offer it widely on server. This is a ongoing discussion with a number of players and new players to server.
The absentee person(s) I refer to is not even registered on the server. They have not even created an account on the new server. When the website was re-launched last year, we were required to make a new account here on, then tie it into the Resto discord by joining that as well. Those "names" are not in game. But still show up in abandoned housing and in over 50% of guild lists. Some players left of their own volition and others due to the hands of someone else. Purge and show an active guild, active player city and active server. Or don't have packup option in player cities or if you do, offer it widely on server. This is a ongoing discussion with a number of players and new players to server.

A point of clarification: All accounts from the old website were transferred to the new website. The required account-related action was that all users needed to reset their passwords, not that they needed to register again. Their usernames and email addresses are still properly attached to their account identity and associated with the characters they created before the transition.

We previously announced our intention to activate the Housing Demolition Program such that houses owned by players that hadn't logged in for 90 days would be subject to demolition and packed up to the player's datapad but ultimately delayed activation due to concerns. We can, however, revisit this now and activate the program.

We could drop inactive members from guild membership after a certain period, and we could disband guilds that have been inactive after a certain period as well, but I don't fully understand what exactly that will achieve or how it is impacting others.

We will not release the names of players that have already been created even if their account goes inactive indefinitely.
Thanks Aconite. Removing inactive guilds/players would reflect an active recruiting guild and it's members. It sure would slow down the revolving door on the server. If a player returns then they can be re-guilded. We've gone thru this with a few players who were MIA the past six months. If a player's house is packed up, then they get new zoning to put it back in their guild city. Doubt anyone needs to know player names if account is inactive indefinitely. I guess one can check by adding them to friends list ,and see if the message" Player name not found on server" pops up. BTW corrected that post to reflect your words.
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With regards to the concern for guilds, this is probably rendered moot by Game Update 19 changes that will be implemented as part of Publish 2.0:

  • The guild leader can now set the guild recruiting information/requirement. This information, along with other guild data (name, abbreviation, faction, members count, % regular - 30 days login, % active - 90 days login, guilds currently at war with), will be publicly available for everyone to see via the List Of Guilds window. The % regular and % active values are only updated at galaxy startup.

  • If the guild is flagged as recruiting, a Request Membership button will be available via the List Of Guilds window to send mail to request guild membership. The Guild Membership Request mail will be sent to the guild leader and all guild members with the sponsor permission. It will contain various information about the requester. You will know that the Guild Membership Request mail is authentic because the sender is system. Do not trust any similar looking Guild Membership Request mail unless the sender is system. There is a 15 minutes wait before the requester can send another Guild Membership Request mail.

  • Guild Membership Request mail will not be sent if the requester's information would violate any of the guild recruiting requirements.

  • Use the /guildRecruitingInfo slash command as an alternate way to display a guild's recruiting information window, instead of launching it from the List Of Guilds window. It is also the only way to view the recruiting information window for guilds with fewer than 5 members, which are not displayed on the List Of Guilds window.

  • Added Minimum Lifetime PvP Kills, Minimum Current GCW Rebel Rank, Minimum Current GCW Imperial Rank, Minimum Highest GCW Rebel Rank, and Minimum Highest GCW Imperial Rank to the guild recruiting information, which will also be publicly displayed via the List Of Guilds window.

  • Guild Membership Request mail will not be sent if the requester's information would violate any of these guild recruiting information settings.

  • The requester's lifetime PvP kills, current GCW rank, and highest GCW rank is now included in the Guild Membership Request mail.

  • The Minimum Current GCW Rebel Rank, Minimum Current GCW Imperial Rank, Minimum Highest GCW Rebel Rank, and Minimum Highest GCW Imperial Rank requirements only apply if the requester belongs to the corresponding faction. For example, a Neutral requester would not need to satisfy any of the Minimum Current GCW Rebel Rank, Minimum Current GCW Imperial Rank, Minimum Highest GCW Rebel Rank, and Minimum Highest GCW Imperial Rank requirements in order to send the Guild Membership Request mail. A Rebel requester would only need to satisfy the Minimum Current GCW Rebel Rank and Minimum Highest GCW Rebel Rank requirements. An Imperial requester would only need to satisfy the Minimum Current GCW Imperial Rank and Minimum Highest GCW Imperial Rank requirements.

  • Multiple guild recruiting information windows can now be displayed simultaneously, to allow easier side-by-side comparison of multiple prospective guilds. HINT: Because the List Of Guilds window can take a few seconds to display, especially if there are a lot of guilds in the list, display the List Of Guilds window once for browsing, and then use the /guildRecruitingInfo slash command to display the guild recruiting information windows for the guilds that you are interested in.
to further a point on this i do like being able to remove houses that are in violation (thanks for re activating this ) however there is a get around for some player who are not within a cities borders therefore they are exempt from being packed away, unless you have a work around for these players houses.