Delivery System for Bazaar

Delivery System for Bazaar
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
A job be added to the Merchant profession or maybe it's own/implementation in some way anyone can do it just like a delivery bag you put on flagging you as a delivery person maybe make it un-removable while delivery items are in side. This could give us a shopping mix similar to IRL with in-person and shopping "online" at a bazaar and having things shipped to you. Would be EXTRA over the top, but also making it something like deliveries have to be "fly" to the location giving a layer of difficulty for the delivery person to dodge a fine from imperial/rebel inspection. But could be a great "minigame" that is players helping players while spending credits.
I've heard people talk about wanting more ways to make credits, while this would be players trading credit between each other. It could be a good way for rich players to spend credits on QOL giving them out to new players needing a quick way to make a credit or just a side job.
Just think it would be cool and a possibly a extra non-combat job. I wouldn't say it's a direct problem but it's QOL that and the only time I use the normal bazaar is to buy a cheap bike or get scammed on something I'm too lazy to travel from ME to get that's basic.
I know SWG is bit older of an MMO so not sure if there is hard-coded reasons this can't happen. But I was thinking when looking at the bazaar one day, why isn't there a player delivery system? Not just a instant AH I bought this across the galaxy and now it's in my mail/inv. But a system where you could put in an order for something the credits are taken (like now when you buy something off planet/location) then you have option to have it delivered to you. That delivery ticket could pop up in a queue of sorts for delivery people.

Overall it should add another system for people to shop with. If there are a few fees put in and it's not as simple as offer credits for delivery and wait a day then boom it's here. It shouldn't disrupt the mall market system people already have in place. It could even be added to malls/outside malls as the drop off/pickup area. So while you go to the bazaar on ME to buy a pair of gloves on Lok, you spend a little extra to put up a delivery order. The delivery person goes to that location on Lok after getting/accepting the job then has a set amount of time to get it done or the delivery goes back into the queue. Picking up the item from 1 mall pickup taking it over to the ME mall and dropping it off. Then the original character who bought them would get a notification/mail saying it was done and ready for pick up.

I'm guessing this is the biggest hurdle making a way for players to get item while offline, like the item being brought to their home/guild drop location. Or just have drop/pickup locations like Amazon does. I'm guessing the biggest issue atm would be the ability of deliveries to get to the player. Maybe there is a pick up location on every planet, or at guild cities kinda like amazon drop locations.
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While a great concept, I think there are too many variables that could "go wrong" with this. What if a delivery person just logs off with the bag or what if the delivery person just deletes the bag/deletes the mission? Does it just instantly reset the delivery? Would the delivery person have a certain amount of time to deliver the item? What would happen to the item or delivery bag in this case?

Also, there are delivery quests on the mission terminal that hardly anyone does because its just not worth it in terms of the credits. How will this be made feasible in terms of time effort? Will there be rewards/badges for fufilling a certain amount of quotas?

I think removing the "mini-game" part of this and instead just introducing the buy-orders part with a small processing fee (~5%?) might be a simpler solution to what you're aiming to solve.
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While a great concept, I think there are too many variables that could "go wrong" with this. What if a delivery person just logs off with the bag or what if the delivery person just deletes the bag/deletes the mission? Does it just instantly reset the delivery? Would the delivery person have a certain amount of time to deliver the item? What would happen to the item or delivery bag in this case?

Also, there are delivery quests on the mission terminal that hardly anyone does because its just not worth it in terms of the credits. How will this be made feasible in terms of time effort? Will there be rewards/badges for fufilling a certain amount of quotas?

I think removing the "mini-game" part of this and instead just introducing the buy-orders part with a small processing fee (~5%?) might be a simpler solution to what you're aiming to solve.
Yeah I may have added too much info was trying to "cover" everything I could think of. The devs are pretty smart and know SWG waaaay more then I do so if they like the idea I'm sure they could come up with a better simple/complex way of doing it.

But I think a simple way of making it "worth it" would be having the prices driven by players, with how rich some of the higher level/longer players are I'd be willing to guess throwing out a few 100k/mill to get everything they were gonna spend an hour running around and buying all brought to them say by the end of the day or however the time system would be

(Simple thought would be 30m to an hour for each 1item/stock delivery. If you grab multiple for one person, or a person puts in like a multi-ordered pick up you get more time to get it done.) I'd be fine with having a service fee attached to be a credit sink, but I know a lot of others are against adding more credit sinks until there are more consistent ways to make lots of credits.