Display the City Specialization for Player Cities on the Planetary Map

Display the City Specialization for Player Cities on the Planetary Map
Mark/designate the player cities on the planetary map such that their city specializations are shown.
People looking for a specific city type could look on the planetary map and know exactly what each city had. They would not need to ask outside the game.
People looking for a specific city specialization (like Improved Job Market) have to ask in Discord and hope to get a response or travel to each city in order to find this out.
Without entering a player city, asking in Discord, or looking at an external list which may or may not be accurate, players have no way of knowing what city specialization a player city has. This is especially pertinent in the case of Improved Job Market. How many times have people asked in Discord (or even in chat) if there was an Improved Job Market city on such and such planet? As an extreme reaction to this, ToX City on Tatooine went so far as to rename their city as "ToX City IJM" so people would know.

If we mark/designate the player cities on the planetary map such that their city specializations are shown, this could solve the problem. On the list of cities on the right field (Find a Location), an abbreviation could be added after the city name to show this: IJM for Improved Job Market, RC for Research Center, DNA for DNA Laboratory, etc. Depending on the difficulty behind the scenes in the software, there may be other ways to designate this.

As an example, people would no longer need to ask in Discord about which cities have Improved Job Market. They could just look on the map and they would have the answer. I know if I had such a city, I would love to drive more people to it, and this could be a great advertisement for a city.

Also, people looking to move into a specific type of city would know right on the map what options were out there.
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Reactions: Ayy and Rinna
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
conditionally approved, implementation tbd; will also be added to city feature in swg tracker