Do Something To Prevent Or Hinder "Spin Groups"

Do Something To Prevent Or Hinder "Spin Groups"
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Do Something To Prevent Or Hinder "Spin Groups"
This is like a fly in the ointment. The pea under the mattress. Everybody knows its broken, but no one knows how to fix it. Or everyone does it, because everyone does it. Spin groups are high reward, little effort activity, also like a cash machine, bringing in tons of credits, any time you want, for little effort, no doubt hurting the economy, and ultimately the enjoyment of the game as a whole. The only thing worse than spin groups, is duping.
Bring immersion back into the game. Low-mid level content is more enjoyable when you get something from it and its still a challenge.
So, I joined my first spin group ever today at the behest of my guild to "help me" level up. In about 30 minutes I went from CL 31 to CL 48, and I had to leave the group because of how broken this is. I have no doubt they would have kept going til I was lvl 80 in a hour or 2. How can this be allowed to happen? Its basically cheating.

I doubt you can really stop it from happening, however, I have a couple ideas on how you could incentivize some players to not do it.

1. Lock out high CL characters from doing lower CL content. For example, the legacy quests and theme parks. If someone makes a character then immediately does spin groups to get to lvl 80 in their first few hours, this should lock them out of all lower level content and theme parks. It wont stop them from doing spin groups, and probably some wont even care about that, but if they wanted some rewards or titles that come from such quest lines, it would deter them from doing it, or they could buy the items from those who got them legitimately. The quest to unlock a third character slot also comes to mind...

2. (This is a tough one because of non combat professions in groups) - Right now, missions are scaled up for everyone in the group, allowing even very low CL characters to be able to pick up high CL, high reward missions while in a group with a lvl 80 character. If you make it so low CL characters cant take these missions, it would greatly slow down a spin group. They could still do it, but without all those monetary mission rewards. This would also slow down how much money is coming into the game. So, if say an ENT, with a CL of 1 joins a group, they couldnt take any high level missions, but they would still get a full share of the loot and profits from those who can. Spin groups dont do this for non combat characters anyway, unless its just to make money from the missions.

3. Greatly reduce the amount of combat profession exp a low level character recieves while in a group with a high CL character. This should not affect non combat characters who join a group, since the combat exp is useless to them.

This proposal is probably not something you would do to the current server since everyone is already so well established, but you could do it to a new server, if you ever added one, or if you ever did a wipe of this server. I mean, you could do it now to this one, but it might make some people very upset. I view this server as like a beta, since its going to be going through so many changes in the future, I cant help but think they would do a wipe after all is said and done. But then again, maybe not. Discuss.
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You are playing on a CU server, this was how we levelled back in the day, the legacy quest didn't come around until some time into NGE, when they realized they forgot to leave us with a way to level after they nerfed group and mob xp.

If anything the should remove they legacy quest if this is to be a true CU server.

I am going to downvote this, since I joined this server to get the CU experience, which include a social game, where we bonded and created friendships while spinning and chatting and dependent on other players to get weapons and armor instead of getting them as quest rewards. Spin groups were needed to give people a way to change their templates, how would they gain xp once they legacy quest?

This is how CU was, combat toons grinded missions/mobs for money and loot, sold the loot to crafters, who in return would craft and sell them armor and weapon in return. If you remove the ability to spin and earn money, the system will collapse since the combat toons won't have the money to buy the stuff the crafters build, they won't have the money to tip doctors healing their wounds or the entertainers who buff them and removed battle fatigue, which should be in this game.
Its sad that you are basing your whole CU enjoyment on a broken mechanic. Just because its "the way it always was" doesnt mean its a good thing. I have no doubt that these spin groups back then contributed to the downfall of the servers. And the spin group I was in, there was little socializing. It was just rush rush to the next mission marker and attack immediately. Not really my idea of fun and bonding.

And honestly, if nothing ever changes, R3 will eventually end up just like all those other failed SWG servers from the past.
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Immersion is in the game. You just need to go and do it.

Spin groups are an alternate way of levelling. If you want immersion, do Legacy and other low level quests.

If you don’t like the spin group functionality, don’t do it. The beauty with R3 is it allows you to choose if you want a quick level with spins or slow level with content. My first toon I levelled through content and quests only. My others via spins because I have no interest in doing content multiple times. Spins also allows players to re do their build as respecing is not part of the mechanic here.

The whole point of a spin is the maximise XP gain, so you only stop to help people in group. I suggest either you aren’t up to speed with the process of spinning, or your guild/group weren’t being very accommodating to helping you understand the process. Probably a bit of both.
Take it on the chin and hope you get a more understanding spin group next time.
Terrible idea. Tired of people trying to get things they don’t like changed. Spins don’t hinder anyone or anything. Like previously stated, they are an alternate way to level. You are not gated into spinning as the only way to level. Let’s take a step back from all the “I don’t like it so it should not exist mentality”.
Immersion is in the game. You just need to go and do it.

Spin groups are an alternate way of levelling. If you want immersion, do Legacy and other low level quests.

If you don’t like the spin group functionality, don’t do it. The beauty with R3 is it allows you to choose if you want a quick level with spins or slow level with content. My first toon I levelled through content and quests only. My others via spins because I have no interest in doing content multiple times. Spins also allows players to re do their build as respecing is not part of the mechanic here.

The whole point of a spin is the maximise XP gain, so you only stop to help people in group. I suggest either you aren’t up to speed with the process of spinning, or your guild/group weren’t being very accommodating to helping you understand the process. Probably a bit of both.
Take it on the chin and hope you get a more understanding spin group next time.
I know spin groups are the most efficient and fastest way to level up. But its not really the point of the game is it. There is nothing ultimately good about spin groups.

Just looking back at your post again, you seem to miss that my proposal would not stop spin groups from happening. You should read it again carefully.
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Terrible idea. Tired of people trying to get things they don’t like changed. Spins don’t hinder anyone or anything. Like previously stated, they are an alternate way to level. You are not gated into spinning as the only way to level. Let’s take a step back from all the “I don’t like it so it should not exist mentality”.
You realize that you are basically saying "its my way or the high way" Join your spin groups, or hate the game and quit. Instead of just saying "you dont like it so it shouldnt exist," why not try to view it from my perspective, if thats possible.
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Yes, I will do that. I know spin groups are the most efficient and fastest way to level up. But its not really the point of the game is it. I could go and join my guild group and get lvl 80 right now, but why should I do that, when the game is full of content I would be missing out on. But you know what... just knowing that spin groups exist, and most everyone I see around is level 80ish, it breaks immersion. There is nothing good about spin groups. I cant group with them, and there is no point in them grouping with me. There is no middle ground. Only a sith deals in absolutes.
It may break immersion, but there are other ways to get into the immersion if you want to do that.
Taking away the ability to spin just because they *should* be levelling via immersion is wrong.
Even NGE which didn’t have spin groups had a way to bypass immersion to power level via Mission Terminals. It’s just available to allow people who do not want to do content to not do it.

I suggest you don’t let one bad spin experience dictate how you feel about spins. They do have a benefit and they are necessary, even essential on R3 for regrinding.

But at least you don’t need to worry about joining a spin group now as you’re so against them. Enjoy your immersion!
It may break immersion, but there are other ways to get into the immersion if you want to do that.
Taking away the ability to spin just because they *should* be levelling via immersion is wrong.
Even NGE which didn’t have spin groups had a way to bypass immersion to power level via Mission Terminals. It’s just available to allow people who do not want to do content to not do it.

I suggest you don’t let one bad spin experience dictate how you feel about spins. They do have a benefit and they are necessary, even essential on R3 for regrinding.

But at least you don’t need to worry about joining a spin group now as you’re so against them. Enjoy your immersion!
My proposal doesnt take away the ability to do spin groups. Please read the original post again slowly and carefully.
Spinning is not broken. It’s an intended feature that is working as intended. There are far better sources to gain income than spinning.
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