End the"public" designation for Crafting Stations in NPC cities

End the"public" designation for Crafting Stations in NPC cities
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Make all crafting stations in NPC cities, now designated as "public" the same as "private" stations.
Just about every new player runs into a "why can't I make x schem? I'm standing in front of a crafting station."
Making all crafting stations work on all schems will end this confusion.
I don't think this would hurt player architect sales of "private" crafting station nor harm player cities that offer crafting stations for use. The reasons to buy crafting stations to put in player structures, and the reasons to craft in a player city with "Research City" are still going to be strong.
This is a QoL issue, mostly for new players, that don't get why this unnecessary limiting feature is in the game.
Currently the crafting stations in NPC cities are designated "public" and only work on schematics upto a complexity of 25. Any schematic with a complexity greater than 25 can only be made at a "private" (player made in a player structure) crafting station.
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