Entertainer Watching/Listening Monitor

Entertainer Watching/Listening Monitor
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
The idea would be to have something like the On-screen Waypoint Monitor option, but it lists players who are currently watching/listening to you and their current buff duration.

You could even make clicking their name in the monitor automatically run a /inspire command on that name.
This would:
  • Remove necessity to dig through unfiltered chat logs to see durations
  • Always have an updated list of who's watching you
  • Prevent you from accidentally completely remove someone's buff duration, avoiding frustration for you, the viewer, and the other entertainer(s).
  • Easy to miss people watching you, which makes you reset their timer if you stop performing
  • At-a-glance detailed information for buff durations
  • Removes necessity to dig through chat logs to keep watchers and durations straight
Just a little quality of life improvement for Entertainers.

We already have a very easy way to tell when players are ready for a buff. The (Ready for Buff) text appears above a players head when they are at max duration.
We already have a very easy way to tell when players are ready for a buff. The (Ready for Buff) text appears above a players head when they are at max duration.

Which works to see if they're at max duration watching anybody, not just you, and it doesn't address the issue of easily being able to track who is specifically watching you -- and if they ARE at max duration and watching you, you don't even get the pulse message in chat to let you know. In that instance you can easily reset someone's buff duration causing frustration for everyone involved.

The way it is now is obviously functioning, just a quality of life idea to expand on it and make it better.
That would be a nice addition indeed. For now you can set up a seperate tab for system messages. Only your flourishes and buff durations will be there so easier to sort through than a ton of spam and chat.