Epic and Legendary weapon variants.

Epic and Legendary weapon variants.
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Make epic and legendary variants actually epic and legendary.
Legendary and Epic variants just aren't epic or legendary.
Cool loot
Looted weapons are crap, and we all agree on that. It is the equivalent of looting a gray weapon in Diablo. It has a singular purpose, and that is it sells for currency, credits, dimmadollars, whatever. But then we have these Epic and Legendary variants of looted weapons. Well these should be pretty good, right? You got it from a treasure box you killed 4 elite jedi for, yea? It should totally be worth using or do something unique. But it doesn't. It has a little higher damage than a normal variant of the same level.

This needs to change. Epic and Legendary variants, especially the ones from high level treasure boxes or bosses, should be something you would be excited to equip on the spot and use until it falls apart or you can afford that million cred perfectly augmented DE-10 you saw for sale the other day. Does it need +25/+225 to make it worth using? Not at all because crafted weapons still need to be superior. Should it be able to compete? Or be a placeholder? Or be equivalent to a mid-tier craft? Absolutely. Legendary Hammer of the Miner? More like legendary hammer of the meeeeeh.
Give them different prefixes or maybe give them a special affix just for epic or legendary weapons. Something like a weaker version of a skill tape maybe. Just give'em something. Make'em one of those things you loot and go HELL YEA because its awesome and not more trash.
Looted weapons are crap, and we all agree on that. It is the equivalent of looting a gray weapon in Diablo. It has a singular purpose, and that is it sells for currency, credits, dimmadollars, whatever. But then we have these Epic and Legendary variants of looted weapons. Well these should be pretty good, right? You got it from a treasure box you killed 4 elite jedi for, yea? It should totally be worth using or do something unique. But it doesn't. It has a little higher damage than a normal variant of the same level.

This needs to change. Epic and Legendary variants, especially the ones from high level treasure boxes or bosses, should be something you would be excited to equip on the spot and use until it falls apart or you can afford that million cred perfectly augmented DE-10 you saw for sale the other day. Does it need +25/+225 to make it worth using? Not at all because crafted weapons still need to be superior. Should it be able to compete? Or be a placeholder? Or be equivalent to a mid-tier craft? Absolutely. Legendary Hammer of the Miner? More like legendary hammer of the meeeeeh.
Give them different prefixes or maybe give them a special affix just for epic or legendary weapons. Something like a weaker version of a skill tape maybe. Just give'em something. Make'em one of those things you loot and go HELL YEA because its awesome and not more trash.
Some of the legendary musty weapons are the best in the game at the moment but are extremely rare. I get what you mean, there’s a lot of “legendary” weapons that are hot garbage. I think it’s a fine line though, if these weapons get to good, could effect weaponsmiths. Could be cool to see legendaries when deconstructed by a weaponsmith give a modification. Say the legendary has a really low action cost that can be transferred to another weapon after removing the “mod” from legendary.
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I remember in the days of pre-cu when legendary weapons would drop. It broke everything. For example, a twerp loot-stole a stone knife that had a poison DoT that would tick for well over 1200. He thought he was good at PvP after that.

Also, looted should never be better than crafted in a sandbox game like SWG.
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I think the idea to add suffixes similar to the way junk loot and other stat loot drops is a valid idea. With the current drop stats not going above 23, this still would not put much of a damper on WS crafted weapons. Not to mention the possibility of getting a legendary weapon with stats that don't help, Legendary Hammer of the Miner of the Gambler... +22 Opp Chance, +19 Camouflage.

I don't think this is a request for adding DoT's or other mechanics of that sort, just some flavor around stats and potentially silly names.
Yea I don't want them to compete with WS at all. I just want them to viable options for just hitting cap or starting end game. Plus the crap shoot of getting a gun with completely useless affixes is quite real lol. And I agree with the idea that weaponsmiths should be able to dismantle them to salvage mods or even partial tapes that can be recrafted.
What's wrong with the epic/legendary drops now? Some are actually really good. Some could have their min damage adjusted to be more viable, but aside from that..I think there's some good stuff out there
i like the idea of being able to loot a legendary and have it still be useful. i pref crafted weapons. but i dont feel "an ancient powerful artifact" should outright get shafted. you still have to farm for a bit to get one thats even properly usable. if your gunna take away valid looted legend weapons. make them decon/reconstructable weapons. so the ws have to craft them to. alternatively i wouldnt mind them competing with crafted, as they are. as long as it was abysmally hard to loot em ie instead of 1%, 0.5 or 0.2% and not affected by opp chance. if your worried about them competing. make them unrepairable one and dones.
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Some of the legendary musty weapons are the best in the game at the moment but are extremely rare. I get what you mean, there’s a lot of “legendary” weapons that are hot garbage. I think it’s a fine line though, if these weapons get to good, could effect weaponsmiths. Could be cool to see legendaries when deconstructed by a weaponsmith give a modification. Say the legendary has a really low action cost that can be transferred to another weapon after removing the “mod” from legendary.

This idea here!

Have the Legendaries have stats like spaceparts and be able to be deconstructed for that "stat" and placed into crafted weapons by weaponsmiths..
Could do it so crafted weapons could take 1 or more stats from decontructed legendaries