- Proposal
- Galactic Fortitude Tokens should be able to be bought with credits.
- Justification
- More credit sinks are already needed in the game to balance the economy, and more players will be able to get the items from the GFT shop, which promotes more users wanting to play the game and work towards something.
- Motivation
- It has been stated that the Galactic Fortitude Token(GFT) system will eventually be taken away at an unknown point in the development phase.
Current GFT shop would take 18,000 tokens to be able to buy every item once. Completing all of the content that currently offers tokens, nets you a grand total of 1,800. That is quite far off, and only allows you maybe a couple items, or not even one mount. The only other way to get tokens is to entertain a player every hour for 5 tokens, or craft something every hour for 5 tokens. Many players do not have an entertainer so that is out, and assuming you can make a basic craft on your other three characters(if you have three) it is 15 tokens an hour. Many players do not have a large amount of hours a day to ensure they are getting a craft in every single hour. The other alternative, is to run ALL of the content again, which takes a considerable amount of time, for another 1,800 tokens, which is still not even close to being half-way. Giving the option to buy GFT's with in-game credits, gives players another credit sink to help balance out the currently inflated economy, and will allow players that have been playing for a good amount of time to have more of the rewards from this limited time shop. The first rate I would consider, would be 100 tokens for 1 million credits. Can be adjusted either way for what makes sense in the economy. 50 tokens for 1 million credits? Overall, it is RARE to see anyone using an item from the shop, and most of them are already cosmetic or decorations anyway.