Gas Recycler

Gas Recycler
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Add a Gas Recycler to the game, functioning exactly as the other recyclers do but for gas resources.
Gas is the only resource type that has no recycler and it makes no sense to leave it out.
Currently Gas resources that become superseded by newer spawns become a pain to manage since there is no way to recycle them into a generic gas resource. Additionally, low quality crafts (especially when creating manufacturing schemes) are more annoying since there is no recycled gas available.
This is an opportunity to fix one of SOE's many mistakes.
Great idea, i support it. Nothing should be left like that, don't treat the gas like an outcast.

Yours truly,
Maximilian Lyyr.
I wonder if this would be something just left out of code and easy to activate or a fresh bit of code our devs would have to figure out. I like it though. Recyclers are the bomb!
then bingo. I would use a gas recycler here and there. issue is most things I need require reactive. so not sure a fart gun recycler would still work for me? never been to legends so not sure.
You could even go as far as to make it a Gas and Energy Recycler, so that what ever does not go into the Chem recycler could go into this one.