GCW Invasions - Tool and Building Phase Adjustments

GCW Invasions - Tool and Building Phase Adjustments
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Update To Construction Tools - Proposal​

Update the construction tools to use experimentation relevant to the profession that crafts the tool.

I believe that Construction Tools, the way they currently exist, are not very intuitive and inconsistent when it comes to what kind of experimentation is used.

The professions that are tied to the specific tools makes complete sense, and think they can be left alone.

i.e. A Master Architect would specialize barricades and towers, but an Armorsmith would not.

I have color-coded the construction tools based on their current state.
  • Sufficient
  • Insufficient

Master Architect​

  • Barricade Construction Tool
    • Structure Experimentation makes sense, as it obtained naturally through the profession tree
  • Tower Construction Tool
    • Droid Experimentation does not make sense, as it is not obtained naturally through the profession tree and I do not see the correlation of droids and a structure
    • Changing this to use Structure Experimentation would make more sense

Master Weaponsmith​

  • Turret Construction Tool
    • Weapon Experimentation makes sense, as it obtained naturally through the profession tree

Master Armorsmith​

  • Patrol Construction Tool
    • Food Experimentation does not make sense, as it is not obtained naturally through the profession tree. The offensive version of this tool uses a completely different type of experimentation, when it does the exact same thing but on the opposing side
    • Changing this to use Artisan Experimentation would make more sense and make it consistent with the offensive version of this tool
  • Offensive Patrol Construction Tool
    • Artisan Experimentation is okay, as it obtained naturally through the Artisan tree. A little strange that all other tools until now have used a specific experimentation type

Master Droid Engineer​

  • Combat Vehicle Construction Tool
    • Artisan Experimentation is okay, as it obtained naturally through the Artisan tree. Just like the previous construction tool, a little strange that all the other tools have used a specific experimentation type

Remove Special-forces Flip During Building Phase - Proposal​

Remove the feature that flips Combatant players to Special-forces when they come within 120 meters of the General during the building phase.

The Special-forces flip was a very nice feature which prevented the defending forces from being able to endlessly repair their barricades, towers, and turrets. However, with this change, I believe the scales have tipped heavily into the favor of the attackers.

My proposal is to have the Special-forces flip only take effect 15 seconds after the building phase.

This would allow the builders to build defenses as Combatant, but enough time to leave after the building phase is over. It would still prevent the scenario of defenders being able to endlessly repair defenses unharmed.
I believe both of these proposals would help balance the current state of the GCW Invasions and increase the player-participation when defenders are not auto-flagged as Special-forces when building.

Update To Construction Tools - Motivation​

Update the construction tools to use experimentation relevant to the profession that crafts the tool.

I believe this is a problem, because some of the tools require experimentation that have nothing to do with the profession that crafts that tool. For example, the Patrol Point Construction Tool using Food Experimentation, when it is crafted by a Master Armorsmith.

It also puts the defenders at a disadvantage. I do not know of many players that are Armorsmith/Chef, so the defending tools will be low quality and increment the Patrol pylon by only 5 resources. Whereas, the attackers Offensive Patrol tool uses Artisan Experimentation. This will cause the tool to be high quality and increment the Offensive Patrol pylons by 15+ resources. This allows the attackers to pump out Offensive Patrol pylons quicker and more efficiently.

Remove Special-forces Flip During Building Phase - Motivation​

Remove the feature that flips Combatant players to Special-forces when they come within 120 meters of the General during the building phase.

I believe this is a problem, because the attackers have an advantage over the defenders. You can have the attackers building their offensive while Combatant, while the defending crafters who are forced to be Special-forces are getting instantly killed by the combat character players that will be attacking.

While you could make the argument that the defenders could have combat character players defend the crafters as they build defenses, I don't think Restoration has the population or player-participation in GCW invasions for this to happen.
After doing around ~20 GCW Invasions, I have decided to create a PlayerVoice to share my thoughts and possible changes to the current GCW Invasion system.

For reference; here is which professions craft which tools and what type of experimentation is used.

ProfessionConstruction ToolExperimentation Used
Master ArchitectBarricade Construction ToolStructure Experimentation
Master ArchitectTower Construction ToolDroid Experimentation
Master WeaponsmithTurret Construction ToolWeapon Experimentation
Master ArmorsmithPatrol Construction ToolFood Experimentation
Master ArmorsmithOffensive Patrol Construction ToolArtisan Experimentation
Master Droid EngineerCombat Vehicle Construction ToolArtisan Experimentation
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Defensive patrols using chef experimentation was under my radar already but i didnt know about towers, upvoted. Also the main problem with invasions is that the attackers have a huuuge advantage because the attacking patrols and vehicles have the NGE values spawn rates which are incredibly fast for our combat style so its a massive zerg of npcs and a clown fiesta.
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Remove the feature that flips Combatant players to Special-forces when they come within 120 meters of the General during the building phase.
We intentionally made the PvP radius last for the entire hour of the invasion sequence because we wanted to create the opportunity for attackers to sabotage those building defenses around the General.
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While i do agree with Aconite's point of enabling attackers to sabotage those building, the defender patrol tool using chef experimentation and the tower tool using droid experimentation needs to be set to the same as their coutnerparts
Personally I would rather see the distribution of crafting tools be reworked in order to improve participation from crafters. The experimentation types looks to be using the same as NGE which allowed every crafter to build every tool, but each of the four types of Trader had something they specialised in.

Barricade Construction Tool - Structures Trader
Tower Construction Tool - Engineering Trader
Turret Construction Tool - Munitions Trader
Patrol Construction Tool - Domestic Trader

I don't like the current setup on R3 because Architect and Armorsmith get to have multiple tools, meanwhile Chef, Tailor and Shipwright are excluded entirely.

My proposal would be:

Barricade Construction Tool (Architect, Armorsmith)
Patrol Point Construction Tool (Chef, Tailor)
Tower Construction Tool (Droid Engineer)
Turret Construction Tool (Weaponsmith, Shipwright)

Offensive Patrol Construction Tool (Armorsmith, Weaponsmith, Chef, Tailor)
Combat Vehicle Construction Tool (Architect, Droid Engineer, Shipwright)

This way every crafter can participate in both attack and defence, and the objects they create still more or less makes sense as to what each of the classes would logically be able to make. Although with a setup like this it would require all the tools to use Artisan Experimentation which might have weird effects.
Barricade Construction Tool (Architect, Armorsmith)
Patrol Point Construction Tool (Chef, Tailor)
Tower Construction Tool (Droid Engineer)
Turret Construction Tool (Weaponsmith, Shipwright)

Offensive Patrol Construction Tool (Armorsmith, Weaponsmith, Chef, Tailor)
Combat Vehicle Construction Tool (Architect, Droid Engineer, Shipwright)
I am all for the expansion of crafting profession's involvement in the GCW, however I am afraid i find it not exactly the most logical to include some of these professions when it comes to expanding the creation of the construction tools.

Allow me to elaborate point by point:

- Though I can see the line of thinking in which Armorsmith could qualify to craft the Barricade tools, in practice I find that armorsmithes are more focused on personal protection rather than reinforcing walls.

- For the construction of Patrol tools (both offensive and defensive), I find that Armorsmith is the most appropriate profession. I can see the line of thinking of Tailors being able to craft field uniforms for soldiers or Chefs giving troops a hearty meal before battle, But I feel it would be more interesting and thematic if these professions were added in their own unique flavor rather than take away from what already exists.

- To expand on this thought, I would find it more interesting if Tailors could instead craft for tools for either faction banners or field uniforms for officers to lead troops. Either implementation would grant a potential damage or attack buff to NPC patrols that spawn from constructed nodes within range of the banner. Additionally, Chefs could have the potential to craft Canteen tools that would have a similar effect on NPCs but instead would grant a health buff to those spawned from constructed nodes within range. Similar to to how the more resources go into a Patrol spawn to increase the patrol's capability, the more resources put into the Canteen and Banner/Uniform tools would increase the range at which the buff is granted to NPCs as well as potentially increasing the strength of the buff as more resources are added. These crafting options would be available for crafting either for both Attackers and Defenders, or Banners/Field Officers would be available to attackers while Canteens would be available for Defenders.

- Tower construction tools I feel should remain exclusive for Architects so that they are able to provide a niche to the defending side. After all, what better defense is there other than a big structural wall between you and your attacker? Additionally, Towers can more or less be considered elevated platforms to defenders can be used to attack from. In this way, I would hope to eventually allow players to use an elevator terminal to go to the top of these towers and fire down onto incoming attackers, potentially granting the defenders a minor defense buff as well as making it difficult to attack the closer the attackers get to the tower.

- I am pro expanding Turret Construction tools to shipwright.

- As stated previously, I would argue that Armorsmith should be the primary profession to craft patrol tools and Chef and Tailor could potentially have their own roles to fill in city invasions. That said, I could see expanding the tool to also be craftable by Weaponsmith to allow them to fill the general niche of supplying troop patrols.

- As previously stated, Architect I feel is a much more defense oriented profession. Additionally, I would argue an Architect's expertise does not necessarily apply to vehicle machinery and engines. However I would find the expansion to include shipwright more than valid and I support this as a potential change.

With these notes in mind, I will be adding some of the points mentioned here to my senatorial agenda so that I may actively track the current state of these potential changes. Please continue to give feedback regarding the current state of the Galactic Civil War and the activities pertaining to it so that once all this Jedi business is concluded, we can hit the ground running on potential changes and fixes in the lead up to 2.0 (2035 here we come!).
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I am all for the expansion of crafting profession's involvement in the GCW, however I am afraid i find it not exactly the most logical to include some of these professions when it comes to expanding the creation of the construction tools.

Allow me to elaborate point by point:
- Though I can see the line of thinking in which Armorsmith could qualify to craft the Barricade tools, in practice I find that armorsmithes are more focused on personal protection rather than reinforcing walls.
- For the construction of Patrol tools (both offensive and defensive), I find that Armorsmith is the most appropriate profession. I can see the line of thinking of Tailors being able to craft field uniforms for soldiers or Chefs giving troops a hearty meal before battle, But I feel it would be more interesting and thematic if these professions were added in their own unique flavor rather than take away from what already exists.
- To expand on this thought, I would find it more interesting if Tailors could instead craft for tools for either faction banners or field uniforms for officers to lead troops. Either implementation would grant a potential damage or attack buff to NPC patrols that spawn from constructed nodes within range of the banner. Additionally, Chefs could have the potential to craft Canteen tools that would have a similar effect on NPCs but instead would grant a health buff to those spawned from constructed nodes within range. Similar to to how the more resources go into a Patrol spawn to increase the patrol's capability, the more resources put into the Canteen and Banner/Uniform tools would increase the range at which the buff is granted to NPCs as well as potentially increasing the strength of the buff as more resources are added. These crafting options would be available for crafting either for both Attackers and Defenders, or Banners/Field Officers would be available to attackers while Canteens would be available for Defenders.
- Tower construction tools I feel should remain exclusive for Architects so that they are able to provide a niche to the defending side. After all, what better defense is there other than a big structural wall between you and your attacker? Additionally, Towers can more or less be considered elevated platforms to defenders can be used to attack from. In this way, I would hope to eventually allow players to use an elevator terminal to go to the top of these towers and fire down onto incoming attackers, potentially granting the defenders a minor defense buff as well as making it difficult to attack the closer the attackers get to the tower.
- I am pro expanding Turret Construction tools to shipwright.
- As stated previously, I would argue that Armorsmith should be the primary profession to craft patrol tools and Chef and Tailor could potentially have their own roles to fill in city invasions. That said, I could see expanding the tool to also be craftable by Weaponsmith to allow them to fill the general niche of supplying troop patrols.
- As previously stated, Architect I feel is a much more defense oriented profession. Additionally, I would argue an Architect's expertise does not necessarily apply to vehicle machinery and engines. However I would find the expansion to include shipwright more than valid and I support this as a potential change.

With these notes in mind, I will be adding some of the points mentioned here to my senatorial agenda so that I may actively track the current state of these potential changes. Please continue to give feedback regarding the current state of the Galactic Civil War and the activities pertaining to it so that once all this Jedi business is concluded, we can hit the ground running on potential changes and fixes in the lead up to 2.0 (2035 here we come!).
I agree that the ideal would be for every crafter to have unique tools that suit them thematically but that calls a lot of extra development time that likely won't be available for months or years leading up to 2.0. So in the meantime, would it not be best to work within the framework of what we already have and maximise fun/participation from crafters, even if it is not 100% logical?
The upcoming GCW update will include the requested fixes, as well as an expansion to the experimentation allowed for tools so that every type of crafter can participate in invasions:

Armorsmith will be able to create Patrol Construction Tools on Offense and Defense
Weaponsmith will be able to create Turret Construction Tools on Defense and Combat Vehicle Construction Tool on Offense
Architect will be able to create Barricade Construction Tools and Tower Construction Tools on Defense and Combat Vehicle Construction Tools on Offense
Droid Engineer will be able to create Turret Construction Tools on Defense and Combat Vehicle Construction Tool on Offense
Shipwright will be able to create Barricade Construction Tools and Tower Construction Tools on Defense and Combat Vehicle Construction Tools on Offense
Tailor will be able to create Patrol Construction Tools on Offense and Defense
Chef will be able to create Patrol Construction Tools on Offense and Defense
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