Open - Give everyone the ability to have 1 basic vendor | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Give everyone the ability to have 1 basic vendor

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Sep 19, 2022
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Give everyone the ability to have 1 basic vendor (the big bazaar terminal or cloning insurance terminal model) that they can place in their home. Nothing fancy, no vendor design or anything, just a basic vendor to sell things on.
This enables players who have loot and want to sell it but no crafting characters the ability to do so, and enables more visibility as it appears most players search player vendors instead of local NPC city bazaars unless specifically advertised.
The trade channel on discord is great and helps, but having the ability for non-crafters to place down a single, basic vendor in their home would increase visibility. Motivated by things not selling well on NPC local city bazaars compared to Player Vendors, and players having the possible 3 combat toons or say wanting a smuggler but not wanting to put in the artisan trees for a vendor.
If this is already a thing, I apologize and please ignore. Just seems it would be nice for selling loot and things, as most folks seem to search player vendors more than just local NPC city vendors.
Apr 29, 2024
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If this is already a thing, I apologize and please ignore. Just seems it would be nice for selling loot and things, as most folks seem to search player vendors more than just local NPC city vendors.
I like it. I wouldn't mind if that whole tree was just granted with any crafting master box to be honest.
May 28, 2021
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Not sure about this. I want to post in case I decide to downvote.
I would not want to see a glut of vendors and items in vendor search.
What if anyone could have have one vendor, like you want, but you needed skills in the merchant tree to be on vendor search?
Sep 15, 2022
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United States
I disagree with this. You get 2 characters off the start, 3 from the collection, 4 if you unlock jedi. Even if you make a Master Dancer/Musician (using this as a non-combat and non-crafter) you can still have enough points to get xx3x Artisan and drop a vendor.

Additionally, how are you going to calculate the max number of items on the vendor? Artisans/Merchants have limits. I just find this over kill and a bad idea in general.

Finally, this is an MMO. If a person has ALL combat characters but can't sell their good, partner with someone who will.
May 28, 2021
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I disagree with this. You get 2 characters off the start, 3 from the collection, 4 if you unlock jedi. Even if you make a Master Dancer/Musician (using this as a non-combat and non-crafter) you can still have enough points to get xx3x Artisan and drop a vendor.

Additionally, how are you going to calculate the max number of items on the vendor? Artisans/Merchants have limits. I just find this over kill and a bad idea in general.

Finally, this is an MMO. If a person has ALL combat characters but can't sell their good, partner with someone who will.
Good point. Business 3 is one vendor and 100 items. The bazaar is 25 items for anyone.
Sep 15, 2022
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I disagree. If you want a certain skill, invest skill points in the profession.


Executive Producer
Jun 1, 2021
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yeah I guess I don’t really understand the premise here, every character can indeed have a basic vendor, they just have to invest in those skill points, and it’d be kind of antithetical to that entire system to implement something to the contrary


Galactic Senator
Jul 16, 2021
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If I downvoted things, I would downvote this.

The bazaar terminal is made for people without a personal vendor. 'Increased Visibility' is for those who think that is worth the skill point investment.
Jun 13, 2021
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Make it a high player token reward with like 20 slots or something. It'd hardly be game breaking and honestly there's not much in the PAAS rewards that really catch my eye.
Feb 21, 2023
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Isnt this what the Bazaar is for?

Maybe have a PAAS to increase the time you can have things listed instead.


Executive Producer
Jun 1, 2021
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Isnt this what the Bazaar is for?

Maybe have a PAAS to increase the time you can have things listed instead.
open to this sure, but tbh probably open to just increasing it in general — if we had an overabundance of items on the market a shorter expiration time might make sense, but right now it just pulls things off of the market players might be trying to buy and forces other players to have to relist more frequently than they may even play
Feb 21, 2023
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open to this sure, but tbh probably open to just increasing it in general — if we had an overabundance of items on the market a shorter expiration time might make sense, but right now it just pulls things off of the market players might be trying to buy and forces other players to have to relist more frequently than they may even play
Could we have a search all option. Unless I'm being stupid it's annoying flicking around the options to check and probably very confusing for new people.
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Galactic Senator
Jul 16, 2021
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open to this sure, but tbh probably open to just increasing it in general — if we had an overabundance of items on the market a shorter expiration time might make sense, but right now it just pulls things off of the market players might be trying to buy and forces other players to have to relist more frequently than they may even play
I like this idea. I don't think using PAAS is necessary. Default bazaar listings should just be 30 days to match vendors. The 7 day thing may have made sense on live for the reason you specified...I think we're past that. Increasing the # of default listings a bit may also be worth pursuing.
May 28, 2021
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I think one of the main benefits of a Vendor is being able to sell a backpack with someones name on it (for example) which the purpose there is to sell it to only that person.

It would actually be really nice if you can input a name and only that character can see and purchase the item on the Bazaar, sort of as a private sale - even for a fee.
May 28, 2021
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I think one of the main benefits of a Vendor is being able to sell a backpack with someones name on it (for example) which the purpose there is to sell it to only that person.

It would actually be really nice if you can input a name and only that character can see and purchase the item on the Bazaar, sort of as a private sale - even for a fee.
Great Idea, it someone made a PV for that, I'd upvote it.
Jan 26, 2022
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Edit: realised after posting that the below is basically with what Oawofae suggested (apologies) - left to agree/reinforce.

How about a PAAS item that lets you place a vendor in your house that shares the same limit as the bazaar and has the 'searchable' option disabled (ie so it doesn't appear in searches - fully agree that you should have to invest in the SPs for that 'marketing' ability)? It would mean you could do as Civic suggests and list things for bespoke sales and also mean others can offer items to your vendor (another main benefit imo).
May 4, 2024
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I am with Aconite with this one. The bazaar is available to sell stuff, and anyone can have a vendor if they just invest some points into artisan. I would rather see the number of items you can list on the bazaar go up, and/or making bazaar listings last longer over everyone getting a vendor. A PAAS reward for increasing bazaar listing would be a good option. This will also help keep the merchant line viable, and giving new players an easy place to get low level items over having to learn how to fly and travel all over the place to get a few items. Most people already (mostly) list is Mos Eisley and it gives a central location to buy stuff at the bazaar.

The bazaar also functions as a little credit sink, this should probably go up a bit. Maybe like a sales commission percentage like eBay has. So you will have a listing fee, and a final value fee to help increase the credit sink, and promote the merchant role.
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Nov 20, 2022
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I have to disagree with doing this. Crafters give up combat levels to gain the ability to create vendors.
My level 1 crafter doesn't stand a chance against any creature of any level that aggros him. Add to this, he can't have a pet or a droid to defend him. That's the price he pays for being a crafter. The small price a level 80 pays is not having vendors.
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