Hotfix - Ewok Festival of War

Hotfix - Ewok Festival of War
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Patch Notes Ewok Festival of War

The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

A Patch Note IconCombat

  • Changed Upon cloning, food and spice durations will no longer be reduced.

A Patch Note IconContent

Ewok Festival of Love

  • The Ewok Festival of Love has returned to the galaxy! Visit Tyrena, Kaadara, and the Southern Ewok Lake Village to join the celebration. Be sure to check out all of the fan-favorite festivities: dancing Ewoks, chocolate fountains, and much more!
  • New items have been added to this year's festival: Flower Bracelet schematics, Heart Shaped Backpack schematic, and handheld flowers.
  • There are four Festival of Love activities this year, including a chance to play cupid! Use any earned Chak Hearts to purchase several rewards that are exclusive to the Ewok Festival of Love.
  • Allayloo ta nuv!

Marauder Theme Park

  • Changed The Ewok Holy Man has been permanently relocated to a perch near -3700 -4000 so he will never interfere with Ewok Festival of Love activities again.

Legacy Quest Line

  • Added Players may now return to Gendra in Mos Eisley to receive a badge, title, and reward for completing the Legacy quest line. Completion includes earning Jabba’s Trust, becoming a Royal Security Force Lieutenant, being a Hero of the Corellian Security Force, and solving the case of the Right Handless Man on Rori. After completing the quest line, you will be given a right-hand replica of your very own. The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.


  • Added Higher-end Decrepit Enhancements will now drop from final bosses in Hard and Nightmare mode of the Droid Army, Operational Droid Factory, and HK-47 Mustafar Instances. These weapon enhancements have a higher floor value than their counterparts.

A Patch Note IconForce Sensitive

  • Changed The Jedi Altar Exploration badges related to Phase 1 of the unlock are now visible.

A Patch Note IconGalactic Civil War

  • Fixed A bug with how Officer Rank armor was being applied in space was fixed.

A Patch Note IconItems and Equipment

  • Changed The Free Jewelry Set offer for new accounts now requires you to be level 54 to open, and includes the Heroism set.
  • Fixed The appearance of the Wrath of Exar Kun saber has been updated.
  • Fixed Synaptic Stimulation Collar and Anti-Mobility Dampening Device now properly remove mesmerize and snare effects, respectively. The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
  • Fixed Cloaks will now properly occlude robes again.

A Patch Note IconMiscellaneous

  • Added Mounts are now colorable via Beast Dyes obtained from the Isomerase Enzyme collection. The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
  • Added Additional tiers have been added for 18, 24, 30, and 36 Streak Months in the Player Activity Award System that grant Tier IV tokens.
  • Fixed The Whisper Bird mount speed has been fixed. The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
  • Fixed Removed offset vehicle spawning to help with players not being able to mount vehicles on hills.
  • Fixed Vehicles will now properly decrement hitpoints.
  • Fixed Corrected an issue with Merchant Tents that caused them to have very long shadows.
  • Fixed Corrected an issue with Mirialan male eyes appearing semi-transparent.
  • Fixed Corrected an issue where terrain might be modified during a planetary invasion overhead a starport.
  • Fixed Terrain lighting has been improved on the 64-bit client.

A Patch Note IconProfessions


  • Added The Berserk buff now grants 100% snare immunity.


  • Added The Unarmed line of Brawler now grants up to 5% AoE damage reduction (reduces the damage taken from AoE/CoE attacks).


  • Added 1 point of Incubation Quality is now available as a buff from Entertainers.

Bounty Hunter

  • Changed Bounty targets have been set to loiter as opposed to be stationary in an effort to prevent getting stuck in trees and rocks.
  • Changed Flawless Strike and attacks under Flawless Bead now ignore all damage reduction effects, including from food.
  • Changed Torso Shot debuff is now limited to activating at most once every 0.5 seconds.


  • Added Suppression Fire will now apply Dire Snare to the targeted player while using the Dire Fate set.

Combat Medic

  • Added Bacta Corruption can now activate DOOM procs and is also applied by DOOM procs.
  • Changed Moved some Medical Warfare Efficiency into the Chemical Warfare skill boxes (from the Plaguespreader jewelry), increasing DoT accuracy and damage overall.
  • Changed DOOM procs will now consume enhancers to increase the potency of the debuffs.
  • Changed Contagion's cooldown has been reduced to 15 seconds with the full set bonus.


  • Fixed AoE attacks made with a Flamethrower will now properly apply their debuff to all hit targets.

Creature Handler

  • Added Trample is now available to learn from creatures in the wild. The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
  • Added Pets now take 30% less damage from AoE/CoE attacks.
  • Fixed Creature-inflicted crowd control debuffs (Charge, Hamstring) now last for half as long. This is due to fixing a bug that gave debuffs double the intended duration, but the other debuffs have been adjusted to be the same duration as before.


  • Changed Heal Wounds is now an AoE ability with a 15-meter range and additionally heals more wounds at once. The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.

Droid Engineer

  • Added If droids have full functionality, a system message will appear stating the droid does not require repair. The droid repair menu will now properly exit upon hitting the Cancel button.
  • Added Droids now take 30% less damage from AoE/CoE attacks.


  • Changed Listening or watching Entertainers will now use the maximum Inspiration buff duration of the group.
  • Fixed Buff timers will no longer be interrupted if you are watching multiple performers and one of them stops performing.


  • Changed Reduced the cooldown of Force Bubble to 90 seconds (from three minutes).
  • Changed Reduced the warmup timer of Force Storm to 1.5s (from 2s). The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
  • Changed Reduced the time between damage application ticks for Force Choke. The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
  • Changed Slightly increased damage of Force Throw, Force Sap, Saber Slash's bleed, Head Hit, Power Attack, and Saber Dervish. The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
  • Changed Increased the regen debuffs on Force Sap. The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
  • Changed Increased Soresu's action drain but reduced its mind drain. The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
  • Changed Reduced mind cost on some Enhancer abilities. The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
  • Changed Cloak of the Kursk now increases Force Storm damage by 8% (from 4%) and health by 650 (from 500). The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
  • Changed Cloak of the Storm Caller now grants 10% Lightning Fast Attack chance (instead of Lightning Speed) and increases health by 650 (from 500). The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
  • Changed Old Republic Jedi Knight Cloak now increases Saber Armor Break damage by 15% (from 10%). The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
  • Changed Cloak of the Outcast now reduces Breach/Breach Guard costs by 60% (from 50%) and increases health by 1000 (from 750). The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
  • Fixed Cloak of the Outcast now additionally grants Force Power Max. The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.


  • Changed Destabilize (from Acrobat set) now has a 5-second cooldown with the full set bonus.


  • Changed Increased Fumble's duration and action cost debuff.
  • Changed Mobility Shot's speed boost has been increased.


  • Changed Reduced Sniper Shot warmup to 1.5s (from 3s).

Squad Leader

  • Changed Slightly reduced damage of Dioxis and Shock grenades.
  • Changed Reduced Core Bomb's fire DoT damage.
  • Changed SoroSuub Personnel Comlink Wrist-P4 now grants Sure Shot speed and Paint Target duration. The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
  • Changed Reduced the cooldown of Ray Shield to 2 minutes (from 4 minutes) and Ray Shield Self to 90 seconds (from 2 minutes) with the full Veteran's set bonus.
  • Fixed Dioxis Grenade, Shock Grenade, and Core Bomb now have an appropriate global cooldown.


  • Added A new Flower Corsage (Left and Right) can be crafted by Master Tailors.

Teras Käsi Artist

  • Added AoE damage resistance chance (chance to reduce AoE damage to 0) is now granted in the Balance line and Master box, up to 10%.
  • Added 3% AoE damage reduction is now available in the Novice TK box.

A Patch Note IconSpace

  • Added Players may now talk with Myrna in the Idiot’s Array to reset their Space Collections (Engine, Reactor, Booster, Capacitor) once they are all completely finished. The emblem of the Galactic Senate enotes that this patch note originated from requests or influence from one or more Galactic Senators.
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