Implement Smuggler Pick-Pocket

Implement Smuggler Pick-Pocket
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
See Aconite's Discord post

Today at 6:02 PM​

So fun fact I did script a pretty in depth smuggler ability called “yoink” that allows smugglers to pickpocket player credits that are cash and there’s a fatigue mechanic and rolls for getting TEF’d, police NPCs coming after you, getting posted on the bounty board, etc. and a few other mechanics but it is not something we’ve considered implementing here
Also would like to see Smugglers working with bounty hunters to hack housing terminals and docking with ships in space to take out bounties
In principal yes, but would certainly need fleshing out (as per the bit of conversation on Discord) to ensure buffers aren't unfairly penalised and people don't find their cash dribbling out their back pocket!
This looks like some survival game feature, which SWG is not, I believe :) Not a fan
Plus, it will discourage people to play ents even more, if their tips are endangered lol
As an Ent who gets tipped in cash credits often, I say no, or at the very least exclude non-combat toons from being victims. But in general I say this is a bad idea and can cause animosity among the community. If you want a pick pocket skill let it be like a foraging skill, but the victim does not actually loose anything.
For ents and buffers:

Give it a visibility TEF. If I see you pickpocket an ENT or doc, I'll blast you. Now bars and hospitals have police
I seem to remember an ability similar to this on Live (not sure if CU or NGE) that allowed smugglers to pickpocket but it was only NPCs.

Definitely don't like the thought of this being used against players since I can see it being used to "grief" or "harass".
This would especially be detrimental to newer players who may not have run the Trehla missions and don't know about using a bank.
Even if they do, will there be a tutorial or warning of some kind in place to let them know they are at risk of being pickpocketed?
With the difficulty new players have in getting cash, unless they run Legacy or the ever popular "loot in space", then this could really hit htem hard and actually completely turn them off of the game.

There is zero reason for this kind of mechanic against other players. NPCs, sure! Have at it!
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Smuggler really needs some love. If we're going to double down on them not being viable in PVP, at least give them some cool ways to make credits. Unfortunately, I don't see them adding any additional ways to generate new credits since they're in anti-inflation mode
Coming at this from the pov of afk docs (I'm the current Medic Senator) I would like to see more information on how this would be added to the game, as the stated "1 person per ??hrs can steal ?k from a player", can see this impacting people who run afk doc bots to help the community, as most people tip in cash so could see people not willing to leave afk bots up? Yes understand the afk buffing does not pay the bills, but for some it helps, lets see what more information is released.
I do not AFK buff/wound heal. I do it while at keyboard, and rather often, which means I receive a lot of cash tips as well. I am not, in any way, in favor of this proposal.

However, if it does come to pass, I think the police that go after the pick pocket should be at least 2 elite NPCs that spawn randomly near the crime scene as the smuggler is making his getaway and they are on level or a little higher than the level of the pick pocket. If caught, the smuggler goes to jail for a short time (in-game time so they do not just log out and play another character), but if he chooses to fight them, there is no incapacitation—it is a fight to the death. If caught or killed, the loot from the most recent theft is automatically returned to the last person stolen from. This would allow for real world consequences should the smuggler turn to a life of crime. You might even have a pop up on the side of the person stolen from that says "You've been robbed", and give them an option of calling the police or placing a bounty on the thief's head.
I feel like something along the lines of implementing a buff vs pick pocket defense, when a Doc, or an Ent register locations at cantinas or Hospitals, it would help deter smugglers from targeting those types of players.

Pick pockets attempting to steal from Entertainers in a cantina are subject to near immediate consequence. Either instant bounties, TEFs for all in the cantina, or even a nice Boba Fett spawn that brings instant death. Getting a bit much there at the end I believe, implementation wise.
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