Improvements to Commandos Overkill Shot.

Improvements to Commandos Overkill Shot.
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Add a kill meter similar to NGEs version which is used for skills such as First Aid, Killing Spree, and Cluster Bomb. This counter increases from 0-50 based off of your damage done and your damage received. This can make Overkill show an Instant use ability instead of a 10 second channel making the ability more useful while currently in combat.

Set the minimum kill meter points to use Overkill Shot at 10/50 and each point past 10 is equal to 2% damage increased on that ability if used.

Example of how this can work.
10/50 = 20% of maximum damage of the total maximum the ability will do.
50/50 = 100% of damage or same as a full 10s channel.

The meter build up will decrease slowly overtime once you’re out of combat so you cannot save it indefinitely.

This will eliminate a 10 second charge time and make the ability more consistently useful in combat.
People who can attack at the GCD will easily out damage this ability within 2-3 attacks. In its current state a 10 second channel time makes this a PvE opener at best and even then by the time its finished you would have done more damage if you just opened with a regular attack.
I'd like to see commando and all classes in a healthy state that is both rewarding and enjoyable while keeping damage, especially harder hitting abilities from being spammable or in this case not even useable outside an opener or maybe a finisher when you are standing in your short term, long cooldown defensive buff, Stand Fast.
Commando on the current live is very lackluster and leaves a lot to be desired but Commando on the TC is starting to look really good and from my short testing it was an enjoyable and rewarding few hours to play. I am very much looking forward to what they are changing and working on.

I believe a change similar to this can keep all commando abilities useful without overpowering them and creating a OP mess.
I like this, if overkill shot remains as it is on TC it will never be used. I suggested to make it a channeling ability instead so you would make a chunk of dmg per tic every few seconds, increasing the dmg done towards to the end of the channel, but this one would work too
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I like this, if overkill shot remains as it is on TC it will never be used. I suggested to make it a channeling ability instead so you would make a chunk of dmg per tic every few seconds, increasing the dmg done towards to the end of the channel, but this one would work too
A channel would work as well, but I personally am not a fan of channeled attacks because they make gameplay slower and less rewarding as a player, in my opinion.

I also think having that meter can easily open up growth or changes to the profession.
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