Inciting Incident - Frequency of Resets / Rerolls and 'Impossible' Rolls

Inciting Incident - Frequency of Resets / Rerolls and 'Impossible' Rolls
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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I propose to have the frequency of the resets to increase at a faster pace than every 28-31 days (let's call it a month).
I think a frequency of one week would be much more ideal from the perspective of a player. A month is too long , especially in cases where it's possible to roll an 'impossible' inciting incident, especially if you do that multiple times in a row.

Having Mustafar absent from the Inciting Incident script is also a bit of a mis-sight. Some players primarily do things on Mustafar and it is a shame that you cannot unlock on there as it is not only a cool place to unlock on but also it has a lot of content there.

In addition, improvements to the inciting incident script to not return an imposible roll at all would feel much well received from the players of Restoration.
Currently the Inciting Incident resets every 28-31 days. This has been the reset frequency for some time now.
There is also the possiblity to roll an 'impossible' inciting incident, such as:
-Move an item in a house on Dathomir (you can't have a house on Dathomir).
-Die on Mustafar (Mustafar isn't in the list of planets for the Inciting Incident).

Many players are changing the way they play and enjoy the game to try and achieve their Inciting Incident.. I feel more frequent rolls would help people relax a bit more and let it happen naturally knowing that they don't have to wait such a long period of time.
Standing at a Startport for a while you will see just how many people are planet hopping and doing emotes / spams in the chat to try and Incite and you can see that they are burning theirselves out - reducing the window to incite would relax this behaviour from people in my opinion.
Many players are frustrated at the current variables of the Inciting Incident. It is a wonderful and unique idea but has some room for improvement.

More frequent Inciting Incidents also means more people discussing the theory behind it as well which is a popular topic on the Discord Channels which tends to get out of hand at times - more theories means there is less chance for the topic to derail.
Here are my views on some areas of improvement for the current Inciting Incident implementation.

I feel this would help people (myself included!) take a more relaxed reception to the Inciting Incident knowing that the time between resets is less frequent , especially in cases where you might roll an 'impossible' Incite.
In addition, the 'impossible' Incites also deserves some notice - opening up Mustafar is a good first step but also reworking the script to have more rules in it to not provide them at all would be perfect but these steps can probably happen at different stages. i.e get Mustafar in first and then look to improve the logic further (which takes time to develop).
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But if it resets every week, you could never "cross things off the list".
Honestly I think that would be a selling point if you're trying to convince Aconite. Hell you could reroll it every day and it would definitely encourage their whole "just play the game." I'm actually kinda curious to see what the impact would be on the number of incites/day if the reroll timer was drastically reduced.
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"crossing things off the list" is what is burning people out, though. It's hard to understand (as a player) that you do anything imaginable and you cannot incite and it just makes people frustrated. There is always something people miss, or always something you don't cosider.. so having the roll be more frequent I assume people wouldn't then feel the need to 'track' it or 'brute force' it. The only reason I do that myself is cus a month is a long time.

Even this example:
people assume it's riding a speeder, or it's something on a delay, but it actualy happens when the Map (M) is closed.. wether that was it or wether the server needs some other commands to update the delay timer I don't know but there is just so much clouded reasoning behind it it's confusing.

Unless the system needs to track things over the course of a month (like a quest) then even a daily reset would in theory be the same 'chance' to incite on anything you do, it's just it's more friendly to helping you hit something when you might at that time have an imposible roll. The Incite probably needs a server reset to update some stuff so a weekly one would be nice number think, especially since people have incited now already it just helps others catch up a bit.
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but it actualy happens when the Map (M) is closed.. wether that was it or wether the server needs some other commands to update the delay timer I don't know but there is just so much clouded reasoning behind it it's confusing.
gonna go ahead and confirm that opening/closing your map is not an inciting incident
I want to address three things here about best practices of Player Voices:

1\ Each Player Voice should have a single idea for people to consider. One. Not three.

2\ Describing groups as "some" or "most", etc. is useless. Either present a case with actual data or present your idea irrespective of data without making sweeping generalizations.

3\ Don't purport things as fact to make your case unless they are fact. This is highly misleading to the average player who may just view the proposal and take your words at face value. For example:

There is also the possiblity to roll an 'impossible' inciting incident, such as:
-Move an item in a house on Dathomir (you can't have a house on Dathomir).
-Die on Mustafar (Mustafar isn't in the list of planets for the Inciting Incident).
This is not true. All inciting incidents that can be assigned to a player are possible.

Some players primarily do things on Mustafar
This is not true. We can see this data. <10% of all player play time is spent on Mustafar, and of the players that spend a majority (>50%) of their play time on Mustafar, it still accounts for <30% of their overall play time.

I'm not going to go around and correct Player Voices with disclaimers when certain claims or messaging is misleading or slanted to present a certain case. I'm just going to close them. You are welcome to re-open Player Voice(s) that presents one question/idea (e.g., "adjust the reset time to weekly") that doesn't assume facts and that does not make sweeping generalizations.
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