Not Implemented - Increase Healing Rate | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Not Implemented Increase Healing Rate

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Feb 5, 2022
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Currently I believe its like 1 wound point per minute. Seems fast right? Wrong. lets take for example, you get hit with a disease, that can give tou like 300 would points. Now, to heal that sitting in a medical center would take 5 real time hours. I dont know about other players, but I get hit with wounding effects often.

Right now we are lucky to have a couple doctor players running 24/7 heal bots, in Tatooine. But thats not happening anywhere else. So basically, whenever you get wouded, you have to travel to tatooine to get your heal bot.

If you were to speed up the med bay healing by x2, that would cut a 300 damage would heal time from 5 hours down to 2.5 hours. Even that seems excessive., but at the very least I would suggest that.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Then go find one, there is always a doctor online, this is a social game, ask/interact with your fellow gamers. There are other doctors healing wounds than the ones you have seen on Tatooine.

This is just another one of your "fixes" for a non-existing problem.
Then go find one, there is always a doctor online, this is a social game, ask/interact with your fellow gamers. There are other doctors healing wounds than the ones you have seen on Tatooine.

This is just another one of your "fixes" for a non-existing problem.Fixes for a non existing problem? So you think its okay for a player to have to sit around for hours in real time just to be able to play the game?

Fixes for a non existing problem? You think its ok for a player in a game to have to sit around for hours waiting to be healed? Remove the random chance that you find a player who can heal you and youve got a problem.

Player doctors are not always around. just yesterday I (and several others)waited in the TATOOIENE medical center for at least 2 hours til somebody came along to mend all our wounds. No, there is an issue, and you are just too ignornant to acknowledge it.

I dont know why they have a voting system in this player voice section, it just an opportunity for people to be toxic without adding anything logical to any discussions. If R3 makes decisions based on mob rule, this game is headed in the wrong direction for sure.
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Yeah I think its fine having to sit for hours in a medic bay to fully heal your wounds, since you at *ANY* time can get your wounds healed at a doctor, if you bothered to go look for one, instead of standing around in the medic bay on Tatooine. You have no experience or knowledge about this game or server, that is obvious judging from your posts and since you spend hours on Tatooine standing in a medic bay waiting for a doctor to come to you, Tatooine is not the only planet where doctors heal and buff.

You call people ignorant and thickheaded, but you keep posting player voices and you get angry when people disagree with you and start calling them names. Take a hint if people keep downvoting your suggestions and disagree with you, then its a you problem not a game problem. Spend some time on actually learning about this game and its mechanics before you continue to post suggestions to fix problems that doesn't exist.

You want a solution to the "lack" of doctors? Join a guild and ask in guild chat if there is anybody who's a doctor or have a doctor alt that can heal your wounds or go look for one.
Yeah I think its fine having to sit for hours in a medic bay to fully heal your wounds, since you at *ANY* time can get your wounds healed at a doctor, if you bothered to go look for one, instead of standing around in the medic bay on Tatooine. You have no experience or knowledge about this game or server, that is obvious judging from your posts and since you spend hours on Tatooine standing in a medic bay waiting for a doctor to come to you, Tatooine is not the only planet where doctors heal and buff.

You call people ignorant and thickheaded, but you keep posting player voices and you get angry when people disagree with you and start calling them names. Take a hint if people keep downvoting your suggestions and disagree with you, then its a you problem not a game problem. Spend some time on actually learning about this game and its mechanics before you continue to post suggestions to fix problems that doesn't exist.

You want a solution to the "lack" of doctors? Join a guild and ask in guild chat if there is anybody who's a doctor or have a doctor alt that can heal your wounds or go look for one.
Any time... *if* they are around. And no i dont believe you would sit around for hours slowly healing. Unless you are afk with a macro on to keep you logged in.
As a crafter, I'm at the mercy of random hostile mob spawns. I have been killed many times. I also tend to try and bite off a lot more than I can chew in space, and have died up there multiple times.

Never, not one single time in 6 months of playing Restoration 3, have I ever not found a doctor when I needed it. Never.

As a crafter, I'm at the mercy of random hostile mob spawns. I have been killed many times. I also tend to try and bite off a lot more than I can chew in space, and have died up there multiple times.

Never, not one single time in 6 months of playing Restoration 3, have I ever not found a doctor when I needed it. Never.

You are a priveledged spoiled rotten child then, and could never understand why I made this proposal.
Healing rates need to be increased. But being rude and abusing in a post isn’t necessary.

I’ve never not been able to find a doc, you just need to know where to look. If you’re not sure you can use the profession services on the webpage to track current buffers. Plus, soon meditate for TK will heal wounds so that’s a benefit for the TK out there.

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You are a priveledged spoiled rotten child then, and could never understand why I made this proposal.
I think spoiled and rotten would describe someone who waited around in a medical center expecting someone to come heal their oh so important wounds without taking any time to reach out to the community or go anywhere else to get healed - and when no one came rushing to their exact location to provide a service - they suggest the game be changed again (wound healing in a med center is new) to accommodate their lack of interest in trying.

If you're too lazy to go ask/find a doc - sit in the med center for 5 hours - it's simple. You clearly have enough time to type up player voices, so open up discord and ask if there are docs around - after you go check Mos Eisley Med Center, Mos Eisley Cantina, Theed Cantina, Coronet Starport, or Avalon Cantina, where 99% of the time there is a Doc bot in at least one of those spots.

People have Docs that don't bot - if you engage with the community positively - you'll have anything you need.
No, you are putting words in my mouth that I did not say. Do you ever have anything useful to add to these discussions?
What you said was: "You are a priveledged spoiled rotten child then, and could never understand why I made this proposal." to an answer that explained that in 6 months of being ONLY CL1, I have never, not one single time, failed to find a doctor to heal me when I needed it instead of waiting in a med center.

That says exactly that you don't know what you are doing. And that what I wrote for a translation was 100% accurate.

Apparently only you must have something useful to add, but then again, you keep suggesting changes that almost no one but you seems to want indicating you either don't understand the game or you want to change it to something it's not.

NPC Traders: -23
Repurpose "Ranged General", "Defense General" and "Endurance": -10
Rotate Resources More Frequently And Have Less Of Them: -12
Increase Healing Rate: -8
Merchant Rivalry: -16

Two of those directly fall in line with an attitude I mentioned earlier, that you seem to want to make this MMO more of a single-player game (NPC Traders, Increase Healing Rate).

And again, when people don't agree with you, you get abusive. Name calling. Telling them they don't understand what you want so they shouldn't vote.

Believe me, we understand. Your ideas aren't good ideas. It's that simple.
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There are plenty of Doctors around and if you're not finding them, thats on you. Med Center/Hospital auto healing is never intended as a replacement for interacting with players.

If you really have a wound problem, and a problem finding a Doc, then the change from 1 per minute to 2 per minute doesn't solve that problem. I have no objections personally to that change, but its trivial. If this really is a problem, then you should be asking for a bigger change. If 2 per minute is what you really want, then why bother at all?
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There are no doctors listed in professional services right now.
The OP is right, 1 wound per minute is NOT something I remember from the CU at all.
It should be at least 25 per minute.
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There are no doctors listed in professional services right now.
The OP is right, 1 wound per minute is NOT something I remember from the CU at all.
It should be at least 25 per minute.
Doctor's and entertainers aren't required to use that. It's a tool - not a requirement. 25 wound heal per minute in a med center would negate the requirement for a doctor wound heal. Spend 10-15 minutes in a med center and you're good... illogical. Again - go walk around or ask for a doc and quit being lazy.
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