Increase MSE Droid Detonation Module Bonus

Increase MSE Droid Detonation Module Bonus
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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MSE Droids currently add a +10 bonus to each installed Detonation Module. This should be increased to 30.
This change would restore a much needed niche to MSE Droids which are otherwise outclassed at everything by every other Droid. R3 Advanced Droids would still make for the best Detonation Droids, but MSE Droids would be a much more cost effective option.
Originally, the cap for a Detonation Module was 10. When Detonation 1-5 Modules were added (increasing the cap per module to 30), MSE Droids never had their bonus updated.
I am aware that Detonation Modules are currently useless due to doing basically no damage but this would still be a good change to make in preparation for when they eventually get buffed.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
'bomb' bots on live, was a great way to hunt clever jedi, agree the damage needs to be increased, to make them a viable solution. Don't need to me mega damage, but enough that could push a fight over the edge
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