Intorduction of the Engine Overhaul Subcomponent for SW's

Intorduction of the Engine Overhaul Subcomponent for SW's
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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To unlock the engine overhaul subcomponent in SW Tree and provide more choice with the kind of engines avaialble
Using the Nova Engine stats which should be the baseline end game starter engine for the majority of ships. Using a an over driven engine subcomp with perfect resourses would give you an engine with 125 TS and approx 62.5 YPR ( TS capped exppermentation YPRs and other stats not experemented on) where as the Overhauled version would have a top speed of 122 but approx 72 YPrs. Having this sub comp available will mean that the bigger ships will be competative in PvP as they should be able to keep pace in turn fights with smaller ships who in most cases will be using RE'd engines Please note all figures are approxamations and a shipwrite should be able to give more exact figures
This Engine sub comp was introduced a little bit after the NGE and enables crafters to make a more balanced engine that has decent YPRs at the cost of the top speeds granted with an over driver. This meant that crafted engines where much more viable for end game content and PvP
Lets have the Engine Overhauls added to SWs please
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I gotta downvote this. Focusing on a single band-aid subcomponent instead of working on fixing the flaws in all shipwright subcomponents makes all of the other subcomponents worthless.

As an actual top tier shipwright, why would anyone bother to make a different sub for an engine than this or the Stabilizer? It's only available as Mark I or Mark II and even on a top end Mark V engine would allow the speed (117 using capped resources) to nearly match the speed of an engine with an Overdriver (top speed of 120 using capped resources) while still making it far more maneuverable. In addition, it adds only mass to increase all of these stats. Those 3 extra points in speed from an Overdriver would be negligible, you're missing the extra YPR of the Overhaul and adding nearly 500 reactor drain for it.

And look at the Stabilizer that came out at the same time. Also only available as Mark I or Mark II, adds the same mass as the overhaul, but REDUCES the Drain, leaves speed alone, and more than doubles the added YPR of the engine.

These subcomponents highlight the problem with existing shipwright subs by adding (using capped resources) nearly 1400 mass to the engine while gaining the desired stats but they at least improves 4 different stats in return not 1 or 2, and the negatives aren't countering the gains in any way as existing subcomponents have happening with them (like the weapon damage subs adding to the desired min or max, while subtracting from the opposing min or max, practically negating the gains).

Now, the overhaul and stabilizer subs DO show that subs with negative aspects could still be really good. They boosted vital stats while only adding mass. The stabilizer boosted mass but provided some very serious gains in YPR and RED while the Overhaul boosted mass but gave major gains in Speed and YPR.

So it does show that existing subs could be tweaked. The question is how? Most of the subs don't affect that many stats, so the negatives are really nearly countering the gains. These 2 engine subs aren't countering the gains in any way.
so this s more about your belife that there should be no trade offs with the subcomps ok... not to mention getitng your numbers wrong. overhauled nova has a TS of 122 after cappng speed and base 72ish PYRs befor experemintation points and tbh the stabiliser should also be added.
Has nothing to do with beliefs. Has to do with facts and data from an actual shipwright who knows what they're talking about.

I never said there sholdn;t be trade-offs IF the trade-offs are reasnable.

These 2 subs, the overhaul and the stabilizer, show the trade-offs can be reasonable. You gain mass, but the negative of the mass gain does not counter the gains of the speed, the PYR, the RED.

And no. The numbers are not wrong. You yourself stated "Please note all figures are approxamations and a shipwrite should be able to give more exact figures"
Well, I AM a shipwright. I can provide you the data.

Mark II Overhaul Subcomponent, capped using resources from Bloodfin prior to SWG shutdown:
3 points in P
3 points in Y
3 points in R
9 points in S

P: 9
Y: 9
R: 9
S: 12
Mass: 1360

Mark V Overdriver Subcomponent, capped using resources from Bloodfin prior to SWG shutdown:9 points in P
9 points in RED
9 points in S

RED: 446
S: 15

Mark V Engine, No Subcomponent for base stats, capped using resources from Bloodfin prior to SWG shutdown:
4 points in P
4 points in Y
1 point in R
9 points in S

P: 67
Y: 67
R: 63
S: 105


Now, same engine, adding in the Overhaul:
P: 76
Y: 76
R: 71
S: 117

Same engine, adding in the Overdriver:
P: 67
Y: 67
R: 63
S: 120

If you're going to argue with a SW about their craft, you should probably learn the craft and use the tools they use. I was only ever a SW in SWG during it's run. This was literally ALL I did for all of the years I played. I know my stuff.
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Now, do wanna talk the Nova/Orions? Because I was pretty clear in my notes above that I was using the Mark V Engine
But sure, you like the Nova/Orions, let's use the Nova/Orions
Mark II Overhaul Subcomponent, capped using resources from Bloodfin prior to SWG shutdown:
3 points in P
3 points in Y
3 points in R
9 points in S

P: 9
Y: 9
R: 9
S: 12
Mass: 1360

Mark V Overdriver Subcomponent, capped using resources from Bloodfin prior to SWG shutdown:
9 points in RED
9 points in S

RED: 446
S: 15

Nova Industries Mark V Engine, No Subcomponent for base stats, capped using resources from Bloodfin prior to SWG shutdown:
4 points in P
4 points in Y
1 point in R
9 points in S

P: 71
Y: 71
R: 65
S: 110


Now, same engine, adding in the Overhaul:
P: 79
Y: 79
R: 74
S: 122

Same engine, adding in the Overdriver:
P: 71
Y: 71
R: 65
S: 125
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ok so for a point of refrence, most small ship pilots in PvP will be using RE's 8 engines. with there 1.0 speed mods this means that they will be faster and more manuverable than a heavy such as an x or defender. This means they will out turn them and allow them to dominate an engagment/ Having the overhauls will help balance this out and allow the bigger ships to be more competative
I have to stick with my downvote. These subs do nothing but obsolete existing subs and highlight the flaw with existing subs that, with tweaking so that the gains aren't neutralized by the cons, could still be relevant.
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RE 10s are already hardly competitive with crafted Novas. I'm not necessarily against this, but it does feel like a slap in the face, knowing how long I spent making mine.
As a SW since jtl came out in live and also in R3 i was very happy when the new NGE components came out. it helped make more of the SW crafted components viable and brought more grounders in to space. i understand they could have just tweaked the existing subs but NGE was basically a new version so they just added new subs. R3 is a hybrid and it is most likely easier to just add in these existing subs. RE'd components will always be better in most ways but remember that it can take months, even years, to loot the stats you need. most grounders are not spending there time in space doing that. they just want to play and have fun .
What if the overhaul and stabilizer were added as one use schematics in convoys and rarely dropped?
just my 2 cents again.
i luv monkeys!!!!🙈
in my opinion there should be a choice if i want better ypr and less speed , and i should be able to ask the shipwright to make the parts i require if its in there skill range and parts like the overhaul are available, that way i can choose if i what i want to sacrifice not what the shipwright believes is their best opinion, surly the game is about choice wether itys right or wrong but i would like to see the part includedas this is r3 not bloodfin ,calistra or legends the devs can choose what the increases to the sub componants are set at not what was done in a previous version, we were promised new things in space, better crafted gear lets see a small step in that direction and inplemt the overhaul giving better crafted engines better or at least a realistic chance to compete in a turning capabilities vs looted /re parts
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