Introduce Buy Orders

Introduce Buy Orders
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I propose we introduce "Buy Orders". Where you can either post on a Bazaar Terminal that you are looking for an item/resource with the price. (Now for Bazaar terminals it could come with a small % tax of it, if you have a Vendor make it a little less and if you go up the merchant tree then make it even smaller.) The way payment would work is if you put a Buy Order up it immediately removes that cash from your character and holds it in the vendor or bazaar (wherever you set this Buy Order), should someone fill that Buy Order by taking it to the place that it's advertised, then it gives the player that cash. If in 30 days it doesn't get filled it can be removed like a general vendor item and money can either be redeemed or put back in the players account.

For generic items you have a set price, many people want things like Holocrons or whatever, or even weapons where you can use the attribute filter to also do Max DPS, Special Ability cost, Weapon Type etc to make sure you are only offered a weapon you actually want.

For resources you have a "Maximum Quantity" with a CPU so say someone wants 1mil of a resource but you only have 100k, you can offer that for the CPU offered but it will also bring the buy order down by 100k.
Or even have it so you want many of an item, be it resource or junk loot and you want it to be a constant Buy Order but up to a fund limit so you don't need to keep putting Buy Orders up. You could just keep getting offers until the funds for that are gone (this amount would need to be advertised as part of the Buy Order).
Now for this, there is a potential that someone may get all 1mill of a Buy Order resource and then offer and someone who also saw the Buy Order is left with resource they don't potentially want now and have spent money on harvester power and maintenance for potentially nothing? Well I am not smart enough to think of a perfect solution for this so one way could be to just reach out to the person offering the Buy Order to come up with an agreement that they will fulfil it and they remove the Buy Order so the person just needs to offer it to their vendor as currently is done.
Think of the Buy Order of being a passive way to trade than active. So people don't constantly take all Buy Orders for a specific thing like resource or junk loot and other people will never see or be able to fulfil orders to earn money. I don't believe "redeeming" a Buy Order would help this as someone could just be on the lookout for all of one type and "claim" that market.

It would be good to link into #trade channel in discord to alert when people put in a new Buy Order. What you could potentially do is to be able to "show interest" that Buy Order which could show people how many are wanting to fulfil it so it's up to the person if they want to also go for it (some things like holocrons may take a long time to get the right one). Now, this could potentially use a webhook from #trade that if anyone clicks a button to "show interest" in that Buy Order, to update in-game how many people are looking to fulfil this Buy Order so when people see it on the Bazaar they can decide there and then too if they want to spend their time gathering for this.
It could also help reduce the amount of #trade posts from being so bulky and hard to see who is looking to buy what. Maybe needs to split #trade to also have #advertisements.
Many new players and even vet players ask in discord "How do I earn money?", "What's the best way to earn fast money?" "Is there anything in the market people want that I can get for them and sell to earn money?" I feel this is the best way to do it, plus add it in to the new player tutorial when it talks about bazaars.

This has been spoken about in #senate-artisan and is something that could work really well if done right so PLEASE share your ideas on how this could work without screwing people over and potentially getting people stuck with lots of resources they don't want but also don't forget that just because it's not needed right now it doesn't mean someone wont want SB resource in the future, maybe a current AS runs out of resource or someone new wants to give it a shot for once but are put off by the idea because everyone's already got SB and they don't so they could put out a Buy Order before-hand and see that people have what they want and they c an start their new journey into a new profession.

This is not limited to resources, it also includes weapons/armour/junk/furniture, literally anything people put in #trade.
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That sounds awesome. Maybe add an option on vendors to give out 'contracts' which are mission types where someone picked them up to mine for a specific resource. Then while they have the contract, it pays them as they harvest live OR they can return to the vendor and turn in Incase they already have the order in their inventory.
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Buy orders sound great tbh
Would definitely want something like being able to set a time limit that you will purchase by when posting them. Would have to be a first to "drop off" the order is the one who gets the payout kind of system i'd imagine.
Now for this, there is a potential that someone may get all 1mill of a Buy Order resource and then offer and someone who also saw the Buy Order is left with resource they don't potentially want now and have spent money on harvester power and maintenance for potentially nothing? Well I am not smart enough to think of a perfect solution for this so one way could be to just reach out to the person offering the Buy Order to come up with an agreement that they will fulfil it and they remove the Buy Order so the person just needs to offer it to their vendor as currently is done.
It would need to be some kind of contract system to prevent abuse from both sides of the order? The buyer puts up the contract/buy order with the amount of credits offered. As part of the contract, the buyer stipulates a credit collateral and time duration Once the seller accepts, the buyer and seller's credits are held in escrow. If the seller completes the contract in the time period, they get their collateral back and the buyer's credits, and the buyer gets the goods. if the seller fails to deliver in the time period, then the buyer gets their credits back plus the collatoral. And don't forget to add the Aconite credit sink % of the credits!

Altlernatively, you create some system where you have approved vendors just like a real company would , people you trust to complete contracts for you?
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It would need to be some kind of contract system to prevent abuse from both sides of the order? The buyer puts up the contract/buy order with the amount of credits offered. As part of the contract, the buyer stipulates a credit collateral and time duration Once the seller accepts, the buyer and seller's credits are held in escrow. If the seller completes the contract in the time period, they get their collateral back and the buyer's credits, and the buyer gets the goods. if the seller fails to deliver in the time period, then the buyer gets their credits back plus the collatoral. And don't forget to add the Aconite credit sink % of the credits!

Altlernatively, you create some system where you have approved vendors just like a real company would , people you trust to complete contracts for you?
My only concern with people having a contract with a time period that locks them in to it is it negates anyone else doing it, so would there be a cap on how many Buy Orders you can try and fulfil at once? If so, how many? And what limit becomes an issue because let's say there's 7 orders for 100k of a resource. If someone's already getting it they could do all 7, but should they be able to lock 6 other potential players fulfilling it? This is where I am unsure of a contract system that locks others from either seeing or being able to fulfil it if they could potentially get an item first should it be a small drop-rate someone could attempt to retrieve it whilst someone else gets it quickly or has one already to sell and could fulfil the buy order instantly.
I think this would be very helpful for throwing up a shopping list of things that aren't listed on the bazaar (or in the quantity needed/affordable), but people may have and just havent listed on a vendor, eg a crafter that is looking for inactive resources (particularly new crafters). Listing the buyer IGN would give opportunity for bartering.

The risk of someone fulfilling an order before someone else exists for any WTB. Suggestion: exclude active resources from the function. Whilst this would remove a large benefit of this function (ie resource contracts) it would drastically reduce this risk and hopefully remove the issue - as it would be similar to the risk of someone else buying an item you are en route to go buy. Having this function should reduce the WTBs in the discord trade and allow for contracts for active resources to be more of a focus.
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If anyone has ever seen the buy order system in Pirates of the Burning Sea, a similar system would be great. You list what you want to buy, the amount, and the price you're willing to pay. Sellers can choose to "fulfill order" and select the item the same as when posting a listing. No contract system needed. If someone beats you to filling the order, well that's just how open markets work. It's the same as pulling a vendor waypoint of the bazaar. Potentially someone else could (and I've had it happen) beat you to the purchase. Any type of system to prevent that becomes abusive quickly and easily.

The problem I see is the vast range of stats items can have. without some way of setting the minimum stats requirements for the order, someone could fill a very lucrative order with garbage items. (I.e. I want 1000 Link-Steel with an OQ of 800+ and am willing to pay 10,000 for it, but someone instead sells me 1000 with an OQ of 17.) It becomes even more complicated if I need two stats such as OQ and Conductivity.
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