Is this working as intended, simply presenting data...

Is this working as intended, simply presenting data...
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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I'm not suggesting a change, I'm offering feedback on recent changes.
Justification, I don't think this represents what was outlined in the description of changes.
To increase awareness, mine and/or others.
Tonight I was on Dantooine running a few Treasure Maps. I'm a Master Bounty Hunter/Master Creature Handler.

I wear full Assault armor (7000 Kinetic, 5000 Energy, 6000 others)
PSG (2500 Energy)
+688 Health from my Carbine and armor
404 ranged general
331 defense general
561 opportune chance
Carbine, (damage 630-964, speed 1.15, modified dps 948)
Had full Doctor buffs
Had Opportune chance and Accuracy Entertainer buffs.

This is how the fight went (against level 81 silver elite), taken from combat spam channel:
I got off 37 attacks, 23 of which missed (hits consisted of 2 x 434, 1 x 504, 2 x 527, 3 x 584, 6 x 856)
the level 81 jedi got off 16 attacks, 15 of which hit (8 x 370, 3 x 384, 1 x 496, 1 x 1071, 2 x 2032)

This is not scientific (for one I have no idea about resists or damage type from the jedi other than between 11 and 12k health) or full details, or a complaint, etc. just wanted to offer the data and didn't know where else to post it.

Each encounter with the Level 81 elites went very similar to this one.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I don't understand something. Why negative votes (or any votes really) for information only? Anti-data? Anti-Shannow? Don't care?

If this is not the proper venue to communicate data then what is? Certainly not Discord which is far too toxic for anything other than attacking people and squabbling.
I don't understand something. Why negative votes (or any votes really) for information only? Anti-data? Anti-Shannow? Don't care?

If this is not the proper venue to communicate data then what is? Certainly not Discord which is far too toxic for anything other than attacking people and squabbling.
This isnt a forum, this is a place to put forth ideas to be implemented in game for people to vote on. Your getting downvoted for ignoring that, as well as overall lack of data. An yes, discord or your guild discord, is where this should be.
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I don't understand something. Why negative votes (or any votes really) for information only? Anti-data? Anti-Shannow? Don't care?

If this is not the proper venue to communicate data then what is? Certainly not Discord which is far too toxic for anything other than attacking people and squabbling.
Well - I didn't downvote - but this needs to be taken into Discord or somewhere else. This system is for suggestions for the game - not general information.

As mentioned right above me - 'that' is most likely why it's being downvoted.
Closing this. Discord is the correct place to discuss. Please feel free to tag me if something/someone is derailing the conversation or being “toxic” and we’ll address it.
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