ITV Refinement

ITV Refinement
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
So, here's what I'm thinking: let's tweak the ITV system a bit. For the rare, limited ITV that's a relic from the legendary loot box, how about dropping the cost to 5 million credits? Keep it unique, but let's make it more accessible, you know?

And for the other ITV with the 30-minute cooldown and credit cost, maybe consider toning down the credit cost or cooldown a bit? Just something to make travel a bit less of a grind for us regular folks.
This isn't about wanting an easy ride. It's about making the game work for us, the players grinding it out every day. With sparse playtime between work, family, and school, every second in-game counts.

The way travel is set up now? It's eating up way too much of that precious time. I'm not looking for hand-holding or shortcuts, just a game that respects the grind we put in outside of it.

Restoration 3 is a blast, no doubt. But in 2023, we need it to step up to the pace of life today. I'm not asking for a total overhaul, just a bit more efficiency in how we move around.

So, let's find that balance. Keep the challenge, keep the nostalgia, but tweak it so that we're not spending half our time on interplanetary commutes when I spend almost as much on my daily commute! That's all we're asking for – a game that fits into our lives without feeling like a second job.
I work hard, man. Full-time job, full-time student, three kids running around the house. Time's my most precious thing. When I jump into Resto, I want to play, not spend forever trekking across the wasteland of empty planets and abandoned player cities.

This remake's awesome, no doubt. But it's stuck in the past with these long travel times. It's a 20-year-old game, yeah, but it's 2023. Let's get real here! I'm not asking for an easy game, just a game that respects my time.

I'm not the only one in this boat. There are tons of folks juggling work, family, and other responsibilities. We want to enjoy this game without feeling like we're losing hours just getting from point A to point B.

So, c'mon, guys. Can we revisit this and update this thing a bit, make it so I can actually dive into the game without feeling like I'm burning away my limited free time on travel.
Hey Team,

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to talk about something that's been bugging a bunch of us: the way travel works, specifically the Intra-Travel Vehicle (ITV).