Not Implemented - Space - Jabba's throne room access for Smuggler's Alliance | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Not Implemented Space Jabba's throne room access for Smuggler's Alliance

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Jul 2, 2021
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Tatooine Space Station throne room access mission should be available even after learning Astromech Management 2.
Either that or Beissa should be relocated somewhere else nearby where no throne room access is required.
I personally prefer keeping the space mission for flavor sake.
As far as I know, no other pilot factions have this kind of hard dead end where you're forced into ground gameplay or regrinding the whole thing if you didn't know beforehand.
This one should not be an exception.
Being locked out like this feels like a noob trap, and quite honestly also looks unintended (all wiki articles mentioned refers to this as a "known bug").

Training how to be a pilot with the Smuggler's Alliance pilot faction requires your character going into Jabba's palace throne room, but as of now, access to the throne room is only available by doing Jabba's Theme Park, Clone Armor, or Tatooine Space Station quest lines.

If you're playing exclusively as a pilot (ie. trader/no ground combat skills) the only available route would be through Tatooine Space Station quest line, however, said quest line is locked from you precisely when you need it the most: when you're asked to visit Beissa (located in the throne room) right after learning Astromech Management 2 (9th box), this however feels like a "bug" or at the very least a huge oversight, since it effectively locks you out of your pilot progression completely unless you cave in and engage in the other quest lines somehow, or regrind the whole thing all over again and remember to complete said quest before hitting that dreaded 9th box.
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I’d argue that the bug is actually the presence of the skeleton/remnants of Valarian’s old themepark and has nothing to do with Jabba’s Palace access itself. There are other methods to get into the Palace to do your training should you choose to not take the hour or two to play the content and unlock the area.
However it might be, it really doesn't hurt one bit having this space throne access mission being available when it's actually needed, instead of being locked.
All the other access method are meant for combat characters.
So many people who play space act like doing ground content is some annoying bad thing that the game forces them to do.

Space is an expansion pack, not the main game. Ace piloting is a secondary profession just like Chronicler. 90% of this game is land based. Space is fun, we all enjoy it, but sometimes you have to eat your veggies. This is not the only instance where a questline takes you into an area that you have to sidetrack to get into.

If you're playing a "space only" build, you're playing the game wrong. The SWG devs knew what they were doing when they made that quest design choice. They want you to explore and get involved with different things on different planets. Do not deny yourself content, ever. PvP, battlefields, crafting, space, ground, whatever, wherever.

Really, doing Jabba's Themepark isn't that bad and it opens a lot of doors to a lot of other stuff. Plus, it pays. I'm sure Han Solo would love to stay in his ship forever and just get paid, but even he has to come down and talk man-to-slug with the Hutt from time to time.
Leaving apart opinions on how the game should be played or not, which we can argue about extensively I'm sure, we're talking about a quest that's already available in-game, only it gets locked out from you right when you need it the most for some weird reason., and thus everything seems to indicate this as being some kind of bug.
Umm... Kashyyyk? Nearly every questline is a mix of space and ground on that entire planet... And the roadmap shows more of that kind of stuff coming /shrug
Leaving apart opinions on how the game should be played or not, which we can argue about extensively I'm sure, we're talking about a quest that's already available in-game, only it gets locked out from you right when you need it the most for some weird reason., and thus everything seems to indicate this as being some kind of bug.
It isn't a bug. The lockout is intentional. Ground gameplay is required.
It isn't a bug. The lockout is intentional. Ground gameplay is required.
Again: there's already a space mission that grants you access to the palace, it's unlocked at a specific time in the Smuggler's Alliance progression (when you finish the last mission from the 8th box) but it's immediately locked from you right after you learn the 9th pilot box and you're sent to the throne room where the next trainer is located, thus the window to pick up said mission feels really weird and does look unintentional to be that way, as mentioned in the last paragraph here.
This is the bug (and fix) I'm referring to, not asking for anything new or a freebie, since that space mission is actually quite troublesome if you're unprepared.
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There is no good design reason for the quest to stop being offered after the player learns Astromech 2. As it stands, this quest servers as a punishment to new players for not reading the wiki for every step of their pilotting. I heavily support removing the part of the quest that delists it after you level pilot.
I’m categorizing this as a bug and closing this request. I’ve forwarded the issue to development to address.
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