Knockdown changes

Knockdown changes
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Option 1: Remove KD recovery and have KD last a specific amount of time across the board, the time of which would need to be decided upon carefully - Somewhere between 2 and 5 seconds as my initial suggestion. Perhaps different values based on PvE/PvP.
Option 2: Same as option 1, except with the addition of a new exotic stat to reduce the amount of time a character spends on the floor before getting up.
Option 3: Similar to 2, except adding this functionality to the existing Defense vs KD stat.
Option 4: Remove KD completely - Not ideal, but better than the situation we have now, in my opinion.
Wildly inconsistent times where your character is unable to use KD recovery, for seemingly no reason, makes for very frustrating gameplay, especially in PvP.
A baseline amount of KD time could allow for more strategic play and less punishment by what is almost some sort of unintended RNG.
Being stuck on the floor for ages with no way to get up is not fun for anyone (unless you're fighting the poor creature stuck on the floor, then it's pretty funny).
As the knockdown(KD) recovery bug is still very much ruining our (my) lives, I'd like to explore options on how best to address it whilst keeping KD useful and balanced, if possible.
When you're actually capable of getting up, i.e. you have enough action and you aren't disarmed etc., it's a pain to be stuck on the floor for any length of time, but what makes it infinitely worse is the sheer inconsistency at play.
I can be knocked down and get up almost immediately, other times I can't get up for 10 seconds+. I've had at least one fight where I couldn't get up for an actual minute or so.

I'm approaching this matter from a PvP perspective where being knocked down for any extended period means you're effectively dead in a fight against someone at least half competent in a 1v1 or small group fight situation. On the flip side, knocking someone down just for them to get back up immediately is also not fun and makes less allowance for strategic play.

I don't know how much of an issue it is in PvE so I welcome feedback on this front too where it will absolutely have some sort of effect.
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I am against Option 4 as I think KD is tactically an interesting part of combat. However, I can get behind any of 1-3, with 2 or 3 being potentially good, especially if tied in with the Ent Buff for KD. I have upvoted this for 1-3.
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If the KD bug is fixed a set timer would work great. If not just change it to snare/root/paralyze effects and be done with it. KD has always been too controversial on all sides.

Note the chance of landing KD for the action cost has an average hit chance of 1 in 3. That's after debuffs are applied, way worse ratio of success without them I believe I showed 1 in 5 max. This is just terrible when compared to using anything else.

We already cant KD more than once every ?30? Seconds, just another deterrent. I dont mind the restriction if It had some consistency.

With target recovery being often fast, Any combatant will have dealt far more damage, more useful states, activated items, and healed more health by the time you can land a KD on even a single target.

What's worse is this is incorporated into area KD with an action cost I don't suggest to anyone as you just miss too often and have no action left by the time it happens...if it happens.

KD seems to proc on a better or worse chance by nature in comparison from one KD move to another, namely underhanded shot. This is way outta whack if it's the case.

Note, Adding shock debuffs feels like a must rather than a utility option for KD. Shock should increase the base chance for KD to proc I agree, but beyond the norm after the state chance is brought up to reasonable par if it's kept.

I vote snares/roots/paralyzes rather than the time invested into KD. Whether that's what is acceptable or what devs want is up to them.

If KD isn't replaced, it will always have an odd spot in practice and continue to be a sore topic of discussion until it is altered for more viability, consistency and the KD bug is fixed.

Hoping this helps at all.
Option 4 is a solid NO from me. In fact, it's so solid, I'm finding it difficult to upvote this post at all lol This is primarily a PvP problem that should be primarily fixed in PvP then. Hurting PvE just because of annoying bugs, in fact removing a key part of SWG just because it's bugged, is absolutely the wrong thing to do.
I've gotta say, I'm also hugely against option 4.
Removing KD doesn't feel like the right decision and i'd favour any fixes to it over removing what is an important part of PvE gameplay.
This PV falls into a common trap: its not concise. I downvote purely because option 4 is here. I could see option 1 being doable, but would like to see the bug fixed first.
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