Knockdown Recovery for all novice professions

Knockdown Recovery for all novice professions
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Knockdown Recovery should be unlocked at Novice Artisan, Entertainer, Scout and Medic.
Burst Run, Melee Hit and Ranged Shot are all default abilities so it doesn't make sense that Knockdown Recovery is exclusive to Brawler and Marksman.
Giving Knockdown Recovery to every other novice profession is not going to make Brawler and Marksman any worse or less valuable.
Lack of Knockdown Recovery hampers a pure Scout/Medic build despite the fact that they are both combat classes.
Non combat characters already struggle when they have to pass through dangerous areas and being unable to get up from being knocked down is unnecessarily punishing.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Any master profession, be it crafting, or combat, should have a KDR as part of it. Those points could be put into a more useful point sinks.
Any master profession, be it crafting, or combat, should have a KDR as part of it. Those points could be put into a more useful point sinks.
It shouldn't need to be mastery, anyone should be able to get up if knocked down.
It shouldn't even need a button to press, if you try and move you should attempt to stand up.
Only a state effect should prevent you doing so like dizzy.
Yes - this is a no non-sense request. I took my Doc on a spin to help somebody and got knocked down by a Dantari..and all I could do was lay there. It wasn't until I got incapped that I remembered this PlayerVoice...and had to make sure to give my input. This is a great idea!
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If KD were a state, I'd disagree with this. Novice Marks/Brawler has the defuff mitigation skill. But its not, you're just knocked down.

TBH I'd rather see it as a 10sec debuff, anyone could stand up after that time, and only those with the skill could immediately leap back to their feet due to their superior training. But as it stands upvote this.
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