Make all Battlefield Reward Melee Weapons Energy Damage & Add a 2-Handed Energy Weapon

Make all Battlefield Reward Melee Weapons Energy Damage & Add a 2-Handed Energy Weapon
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Galactic Senator
1. The melee weapons given from the battlefield reward vendor should be energy damage.

2. Change the damage type of Vibro Axe to Energy from Kinetic. Not only does this make sense lore wise, it provides uniformity with the other weapons, namely Vibro Blade, Vibro Knuckler and Vibro Lance, which all are Energy type damage.
1. This change gives melee players more of choice of weapons which have a damage bonus applied.

2. This will allow Swordsman to choose to use a 2-Hander with Energy type damage.
1. There are currently no melee weapons with a damage bonus % that have a damage type of energy.

2. Currently, every other type of melee weapon benefits from the choice of having energy weapons except for 2-Handers.
1. Damage type tends to only matter in PvP so it makes sense to apply this change to Battlefield rewards.

2. Give 2-Handers a basic, craftable energy weapon.
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idk I feel like the move is making damage type actually matter in all regards instead otherwise what’s the point in having it at all
If the kinetic psg idea was added or psgs were removed it would add massive diversity to all weapon choices. However removing psgs would take away a big bonus of being melee so I would caution that choice for sure.
idk I feel like the move is making damage type actually matter in all regards instead otherwise what’s the point in having it at all
I agree and the best move for that are kinetic psgs, but regardless melee energy weapons bypass psg so these will always be meta. I think making melee weapons energy from the battlefield vendor makes the most sense for pvp weapons. Same for ranged ones making them kinetic unless you add the kinetic psgs.
I agree and the best move for that are kinetic psgs, but regardless melee energy weapons bypass psg so these will always be meta. I think making melee weapons energy from the battlefield vendor makes the most sense for pvp weapons. Same for ranged ones making them kinetic unless you add the kinetic psgs.
Perhaps this would change when Jedi are around? Recon armor might be a little more main stream and perhaps then kinetic melee weapons would be good? But either way I agree with what you said as well.
Things to consider are all melee have the options for energy or kinetic damage aside from swordsman - Vibro sword is kinetic, could be energy (battlefield weapon turn in) or Scythe (quest and special component craftable sword) - at least evens out a class that has what all other combat classes have available.

Otherwise, the Kinetic PSGs would be a cool consideration as well.

AFAIK - pistoleer, rifle, carb, tk, pike, fencer - they all have kinetic and energy weapons available - swordsman is the only odd man out.
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Don't melee weapon weapons ignore PSGs anyway?..
Yea but the point of the PV was to give the player a choice because:

1) Some of the only damage bonus energy melee weapons are General weapons. Its already very easy in comparison to get a Kinetic 2% damage bonus melee weapon (Spiderclan/WoD Vendor). It makes sense that a 2% energy weapon should be obtainable through another method, otherwise these weapons might as well just be wall deco. Why buy/use one of these when you can just spend an hour or two getting a WoD weapon?

2) A 2-H energy weapon doesn't exist at all. There is no choice, there are only Kinetic 2Hs. This gives a disadvantage vs Assault armor users. Not quite as bad as if there was a ranged weapon that was energy only, but there should be a choice.
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