Make Combat Medic healing have the same GCD as Doctor healing

Make Combat Medic healing have the same GCD as Doctor healing
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Adjust the global cooldown on Bacta Spray and Bacta Toss to be the same speed of the global cooldown of Bacta Jab and Bacta Infusion.
If all the healing abilities had the same global cooldown it would make healing much smoother and make it easier to play builds with a focus on healing.
After using Bacta Spray and Bacta Toss, players are often standing there for an abnormal amount of time not able to do anything. Meanwhile players with 4xxx Doctor who have access to Bacta Jab and Bacta Infusion only have to sit through a much shorter global cooldown.
Healing focused builds in this game are very rare and I know a lot of people enjoy playing healer roles in other MMOs. This change would make it so those builds are a bit stronger.
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I sort of understand where your coming from (played main tank healer for years in WoW), but I think having a difference in some of the abilities is important to the identity of a class, saying that, I do think having Bacta Spray on the same CD as Doc's Bacta Jab is a good call, as both are close range (within 10m) or reduced somewhere near, but Bacta toss I feel is about right due to the range you can toss the heal - so needs to be a longer CD imo, but open to all ideas to improve the Medics gameplay
I sort of understand where your coming from (played main tank healer for years in WoW), but I think having a difference in some of the abilities is important to the identity of a class, saying that, I do think having Bacta Spray on the same CD as Doc's Bacta Jab is a good call, as both are close range (within 10m) or reduced somewhere near, but Bacta toss I feel is about right due to the range you can toss the heal - so needs to be a longer CD imo, but open to all ideas to improve the Medics gameplay

Bacta spray is not close range like jab but regardless of that he is talking about the GCD not the actual CD of the skills, which makes CM feel clunky and useless in team fights.
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Would love to see this happen. Doc heals should definitley be stronger IMO but CM cooldowns are terrible and as Kahzar says, make the game feel clunky!
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I agree with this change. A doctor's care is generally precise, meticulous, and more effective than a combat medic. The cm prioritizes triage and keeping multiple allies alive enough to perform their role. Global cooldown adjustment to bring these roles into balance is a fair solution.
We are making some changes to combat medic speed in the upcoming patch. Base speeds are not changing, but you can decrease the GCDs through stats or exotics.
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