Make Harvesters have admin rights

Make Harvesters have admin rights
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Either make it an account check, instead of a player check, or make an admin list for the harvesters.
We have two characters for a reason, there is no reason why our alts shouldn't be able to go check our harvs. I can understand concerns about people adding their entire guild to a harvester, so I'd be fine with some form of limit that would only let you add your actual alt.
Tired of having to pull one char out of what they are doing when the other is free and could go check it.
Sometimes you need to check your harvs with an alt. Maybe it's because the owner is somewhere else, maybe it's because there is now a nest of nasties around the harv and ya need to send in your combat char. Whatever the reason, you should be able to add your alt to harvester admin so they can check it. Perhaps even with a limit that you can only add the alt from your account (to keep cartels from forming haha), or make it an account check instead of a player check. Either way, you should be able to check and retrieve from your harvester with your alt.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Sometimes you need to check your harvs with an alt. Maybe it's because the owner is somewhere else, maybe it's because there is now a nest of nasties around the harv and ya need to send in your combat char. Whatever the reason, you should be able to add your alt to harvester admin so they can check it. Perhaps even with a limit that you can only add the alt from your account (to keep cartels from forming haha), or make it an account check instead of a player check. Either way, you should be able to check and retrieve from your harvester with your alt.
Sometimes you need to check your harvs with an alt. Maybe it's because the owner is somewhere else, maybe it's because there is now a nest of nasties around the harv and ya need to send in your combat char. Whatever the reason, you should be able to add your alt to harvester admin so they can check it. Perhaps even with a limit that you can only add the alt from your account (to keep cartels from forming haha), or make it an account check instead of a player check. Either way, you should be able to check and retrieve from your harvester with your alt.
in addition to Guilds having a harvester farm and a dedicated person to maintain it. Admin is a need.
Gonna have to down vote this. It opens up a few hidden ways to abuse accounts. For exp if i had admin to 4 friends harvesters and they stop playing i can still keep them up and running.(n)
Admin does not mean you can place someone else's lots. Those players would still have to put them down and assign rights. But if someone wanted 40 static harvesters, I don't see that as enough negative to offset the value of this.
Gonna have to down vote this. It opens up a few hidden ways to abuse accounts. For exp if i had admin to 4 friends harvesters and they stop playing i can still keep them up and running.(n)

This is a really interesting point. I wouldn't let it impact your vote, however, as we can either specifically carve out the ability for other admins to pay maintenance so the primary owner is still required to log in or we can include it in the larger structure abandonment system which flags abandoned structures for destruction (or pack up) if the character/account has not been active for a specific duration of time (we're already working through how that will work on our server anyways).
Voting yes on this but only if it were account based only. i.e. allow me at add Admin for my alts within my account.

My understanding is that this was changed from Pre CU due to people carteling their lots or selling their lots for mining. Frankly, with R3s BER change I don't see that being a particular problem since you can do more with less but I think if you allow admin for accounts just within the account, that solves the problem.

However I don't understand the development constraints if that would be possible - I would like the flexibility of being able to get mats from either toons though.
There is another angle to this topic that could also be considered. The Droid Structure Maintenance Module functionality is too limited for good effect. Currently, it can only be used to pay maintenance fees on structures. For non-energy harvesters, this is of little help since you still need to manually visit the structure to deposit power and empty the hopper. How difficult do you think it might be to add this functionality to the maintenance droid?
There is another angle to this topic that could also be considered. The Droid Structure Maintenance Module functionality is too limited for good effect. Currently, it can only be used to pay maintenance fees on structures. For non-energy harvesters, this is of little help since you still need to manually visit the structure to deposit power and empty the hopper. How difficult do you think it might be to add this functionality to the maintenance droid?
Make a new topic, this is worth its own discussion.
I too would like this option, but I agree, make it same account toons only. Many of us have a crafter/Entertainer (Lvl 1) toon and a High level combat alt. Allow the alt to pay maintenance, deposit power and collect or change resources. That way if the person stops playing for whatever reason, nobody else can take advantage of the harvester. After the harvester degrades from lack of maintenance, it self destructs, freeing the space for an active player.
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you can still do this with alt account admins. make it use the same policy as abandoned structures. once inactive for a certain time the structure becomes inactive.
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This would be nice. The first thing I do when I get home is run around and gather resources for the day. When I try to switch to my alt droid engineer to collects his harvesters i have issues with characters getting stuck in the game and can't play for hours sometimes.
There is a good reason why SWG Legends only allows one account per IP address. R3 should consider adopting the same practice. Alts and multiple accounts is a bad thing for a game like this. People already abuse it as it is. Plus the fact that you can master any crafting profession in a week with little effort is also absurd. People already just make their own crafters to suppy their combat characters. Its disrupts the market balance as well.

Terrible idea.
We can very easily implement this feature such that you can have your alt characters on your account automatically with admin rights but not include the ability to add characters that are not on your account.
If you are going to do that, i suggest reducing the number of alts an account can have to balance it out.
There is a good reason why SWG Legends only allows one account per IP address. R3 should consider adopting the same practice. Alts and multiple accounts is a bad thing for a game like this. People already abuse it as it is. Plus the fact that you can master any crafting profession in a week with little effort is also absurd. People already just make their own crafters to suppy their combat characters. Its disrupts the market balance as well.

Terrible idea.
Other than approved household accounts like husband and wife - that are verified by staff - R3 does only allow one account per IP address. So this is already covered and your vote will now change?
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