Mayor - Pack_Up Command QOL improvements

Mayor - Pack_Up Command QOL improvements
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Add more robust city administrative options for city management. Or in other words gives mayors the ability to use Pack_Up orders on Factories and Harvesters.
Placing Factories and Harvesters in cities can be abused, and currently there is no real in-game mechanism for managing this abuse. Cities have a very blanket mechanism that allows to manage who has zoning rights, but even so if someone (e.g., Militia member) becomes disgruntled they can cause unnecessary drama/damage to a City and its Citizens, by leveraging in game mechanics that leave room for abuse.
My motivation is ultimate to improve player experience by making an enjoyable player city community that is welcoming, diverse, and inclusive to new and existing players. My hopes is because of these types of communities the SWG Restoration population continues to grow, thus validating everyones ones hard work in this fan driven game.
My family loved playing SWG 20 years ago and in over 20 years we have never found a game even remotely close to it since. My family joined SWG Restorations back in December 2022 our initial onboarding experience was a blast until we tried to join a city with a Research Center Specialization. The criteria to join that city required that we joined their Guild, disclosed our character builds, and do a Discord interview. This seemed a bit extreme to us and was a bit of a turn-off to the whole SWG Restoration experience. As a result, instead of quitting the game we decided to start our own city that didn't have such a rigid criteria to join the City. An environment that was welcoming to new and existing players which in turn improves the over all SWG experience.

The city goals were to bring infrastructure to residents to improve quality of life in and around their dominical, while also providing individuals the autonomy to self-manage. As a commitment to this goal we have very relaxed criteria to join the city. One of the things we do is leave Zoning open so individual can place buildings at their convenience. Now we are aware leaving zoning open to everyone comes with risks and opens the gates to be abused by some players, but we feel the risk is worth it.

Not only was the risk worth it, but the city growth and the number of random players that join the city on their own accord verified our theory. and validated our trajectory. A self sustaining community of players with minimal rules or oversight. Because of this our relatively young Cities has the highest number of active players on Restoration galaxy server. (source:

However there are some toxic players that love to ruin other player experiences. They do this by either being a blatant troll which may result in corrective actions by the System Admins/Moderators, or they troll by using the rules set forth by the game. Because of people like this, and the lack of City administrative tools (Pack_Up commands for Factories, Harvesters etc.) player cities are forced to have rigid criteria for joining their City and unfortunately those rigid criteria's are in of themselves a poor customer experience and only invigorate the trolls to continue to do what trolls do best.

Thus because of the action of the few, I may be forced to enforcing zoning regulations to our city just to prevent the trolls from doing what they do... like place factories and harvesters in locations to push buttons, leaving us with no ability to eject these from a location within City Limits. These toxic issues could easily be remediated by giving Mayors more robust administrative tools for city management, (e.g., Pack_up command on harvesters and factories) instead of making the Mayor create less than desirable City regulations for citizen management.
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This measure should be talked about again IMO. Of course some players are going to shoot a measure like this down.....They have nothing to lose and all the rest of the citizens and everyone who may want to reside there may not be able to because of the mayor's inability to restructure the city. (in terms of factories/harvesters) THEY (people who shot this down)are NOT Mayors. They have little knowledge of a functioning city's operations. So maybe a vote should be done with just the mayors instead of the entire population.
I think being able to pack up all structures in a city would be a good thing for mayors, but the mechanics behind the scenes may make it rather infeasible.

We had to wait a couple months for some harvesters to burn up in our city after we grew and we "annexed" them, so I know the pain here.

Unfortunately, with zoning turned off, anyone is allowed to place houses, factories, harvesters, etc. anywhere they please and it's not against any game rules.
I'm a Mayor.

There is no way that Mayors should be able to pack up factories/harvesters (Personally - I don't think they should be able to pack up a house that falls within their city if that person is not a declared citizen either).

I can tell you that if I had a 3 day factory going and I come back to find my factory missing because a Mayor wanted to put down a fountain or align a row of houses instead - I'd be a little irritated...or if I found a great resource spawn outside of a city and a day later a city expanded where I had placed my harvesters and packed up my harvesters..I probably wouldn't be fan of that either.

There are a ton of scenarios to consider here. This sounds like a solution for a problem that was caused by the Mayor not enforcing zoning in the first place. The solution could probably do more harm than good in the long run in my opinion.
You are not wrong in your assessment; this scenario was caused by me choosing to not enforce zoning.

If the choices are, review every player's value and grant them zoning rights based on faction, guild, spec, resources, or other criteria Vs. The choice to leave city zoning open for everyone and be as inclusive as possible. Then I personally do not think there is much of a choice. The pleasant thing about metrics is seeing growth as a direct result of such a simple city policy change that is inclusive.

I also agree with you that there are tons of scenarios to consider. Which a total of 67 player cities with a grand total of 1888 active citizens for those cities., It's impossible for their not to be tons of scenarios. This also means there are 67 people/mayors with special permissions for managing the governance within their city limits. Perhaps your right maybe Mayors shouldn't have any special rights beyond raising taxes and activate zoning.
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